chapter 65 - pity the backseat

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~third person p.o.v~

Dallas had his hands shoved in his pockets, walking to who knows where. He was bored and he had nothing to do. The sun was setting and he still hadn't gotten a chance to see Y/n yet, which was disappointing although he'd never admit it.

He was passing by the DX when he saw familiar faces through the window. Y/n was sitting on the countertop, a Coke in her hand as she laughed. Steve was standing in front of her, also smiling.

Dallas felt anger bubble up inside of him. He didn't know why, he just didn't like how close Steve was standing to Y/n. His girl.

He tried to brush it off until he saw Y/n touch his arm while she was laughing. She playfully shoved him and that set Dallas off.

Dallas made his way towards the DX and entered. The bell rang and that immediately caught the attention of his girlfriend and the boy standing in front of her.

"Dal, what's up baby?" The girl chirped, giving him a smile.

Dallas disregarded her greeting and his eyes burned into Steve's confused ones.

"Hey Randle, maybe you wanna take a step back from my girl." Dallas sounded nonchalant but daring.

Steve stepped back, putting his hands up in surrender and Y/n looked at her boyfriend in a confused way.

"What's gotten into you, Dal?" She asked. She didn't sound rude, she sounded genuinely thrown off by Dallas's comment.

Dallas stayed silent and kept his eyes on Steve. Y/n sighed, seeming to figure out the situation.

"Sorry about him, Steve. We'll be right back, we're just gonna get a breath of fresh air." She spoke quickly, grabbing Dallas by the hand and dragging him out of the DX.

Once they were outside Y/n leaned against the wall, crossing her arms.

"What happened in there, Dal?" She asked, frowning.

"I just didn't like him getting close to you like that." Dallas muttered. She smiled.

"Shoot Dal, are you jealous?"

"No, what? I'm not." He protested and she laughed.

"You are! Awe, how cute!" Y/n teased, throwing her head back with laughter.

~your p.o.v~

I didn't mean to make Dallas jealous by hanging out with Steve, but I had to admit it was amusing to see him getting worked up over this. I guess it was flattering in a way. Although I hoped he didn't think I'd sink as low as to flirt with a different boy right after we officially got together.

I guess I understood why he'd be on edge about it though. His last relationship ended over a girl two-timing him after all.

"I'm sorry, Dal. I didn't mean to make you jealous. Don't worry, I'm not into Steve like that anyway." I reassured him, smiling. Dallas stayed quiet for a second.

"Alright, I didn't mean to get up in your business or anything." He muttered. It was obvious he was bad at this and I held back a laugh.

I kissed him briefly and his lips followed mine, clearly not satisfied with the brief kiss I gave him.

"I'm gonna go back inside. You can come with if you want." I said, shrugging. Dallas looked up at the sky. The sun was still slowly setting as the sky was getting darker.

"It's getting dark, someone will have to walk you home. I guess I'll come in so I can take you home after." He spoke, his eyes still focused on the sky.

I knew he was just looking at the sky to see how dark it was getting, but I couldn't help but wonder if maybe he noticed the colors in the sky. Maybe he secretly saw all the colors and even appreciated them a little, too. Maybe behind his rough exterior, he ached to belong like everyone else.

"You alright?" Dal's voice broke through my thoughts and I snapped out of them.

"Huh? Yeah, just thinking." I said.

We went back inside and ended up spending a couple more hours with Sodapop and Steve.


It was dark out now and Dallas was ready to take me home. We left the DX and I said bye to the boys, disappointed that I couldn't spend more time with them.

We were on our way back and I wasn't worried about anything happening. We were on our side of town and I don't think socs would be over here.

I dragged my hands along the fence, staying quiet as I watched my hand graze the metal.

My attention turned to Dallas when I heard a swishing sound next to me. I looked at him and saw him tip a beer bottle back, taking a sip.

"Where'd you get that?" I asked, laughing. He smiled to himself and looked at me.

"Steve hooked me up." Dallas winked and I rolled my eyes.

"You should give me a sip." I held my hand out and he handed it over to me, our fingers touching in the process. I looked up at him and he looked at me.

I brought the bottle to my lips, taking a gulp of the beer.

I heard a car pulling up to us and my gaze was torn away from Dal. I saw a red thunderbird car next to us with the top down. It was too nice of a car for a greaser to be driving it.


What the hell were they doing here?

They pulled up next to us and stopped. I scoffed in disbelief, covering up the nerves I felt.

"What are they doing here?" I growled as I watched two boys get out of the front of the car. There were two more boys in the back.

"Hey, greasers." One of them spat.

"This isn't your territory, get outta here." I snapped. Him and the boy chuckled.

"We don't have to listen to some low life like you. I'd watch your mouth if I were you." He spoke nonchalantly.

"Oh yeah, why?" I stepped towards him and Dallas followed close behind.

"I got two more in the backseat, you couldn't beat us.

A memory flashed through my mind and without thinking, I turned and smashed the beer bottle against the fence, tossing it to Dallas and I flicked out the blade Two-bit gave me.

"Pity the backseat."

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