chapter 73 - ring

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~your p.o.v~

I had managed to work everything out with Darry. It took some convincing, but he eventually gave in and said Ponyboy could come with us on a road trip. We'd be leaving the day after tomorrow since we didn't have a lot of time before the rumble. After the rumble I knew the boys wouldn't be in a mood to go on a long trip and it'd probably be a while before they felt good enough to go, so I thought we might as well go before.

Johnny, Ponyboy, and I were ecstatic. Dallas kept acting like he was dreading it, but every time we had mentioned the trip he would secretly smile.

I was now standing in the kitchen with Darry, talking over the plans.

"You have to pull over at rest stops and call me at least twice a day." Darry said. I nodded.

"We'll do that. I'll make sure you know where we are."

"Make sure Pony does his homework."

"Will do."

"And just be safe, alright?" Darry's harsh voice softened and I smiled.

"We'll be safe." I was about to leave the kitchen and Darry stopped me.

"Hey, one more thing."

I turned back towards him. He hesitated before speaking.

"Thank you."

I was a bit surprised. "What are you thanking me for?"

"For doing this. Ponyboy needed this. And so does Johnny. I bet even Dal could use a break from everything that's been going on." Darry admitted. I nodded.

"I think it'd be nice for all of us. Thanks for being so understanding about all this. Really, I mean it."

He nodded, giving me a small smile. I turned around and left the kitchen, deciding to go back to talking with the boys.


"Can't believe you convinced me to go on a road trip, man." Dal muttered to himself as we were walking back to Buck's. I smirked, rolling my eyes.

"Come on, Dal. You know you're looking forward to going." I nudged him with my elbow.

"Shoot, what are you doing to me? Convincing me to go places." He joked and I giggled.

"Yeah, I have that affect on people." I teased.

We stayed silent again for a couple of minutes, just walking side by side, our shoulders occasionally brushing together.

"So, the rumble's coming up. How are you feeling about it?" I broke the silence.

"I'm feeling okay about it but I'm worried about Johnny, man. I know a lot of people are pretty mad at the kid." Dal explained.

"I think he'll be okay. He's a strong kid." I looked up at Dal, smiling. Dallas maintained eye contact with me, seeming like he wanted to say something.

"How are you so upbeat all the time?" He asked suddenly. I was a bit surprised.

"Well... I don't know if I am upbeat all the time. But I guess, if I had to answer... I'm just sick of being sad and nervous, ya know? I spend so much time moping around and taking what I have for granted, but I know I have everything I need. I have a new loving family, real friends, and I have you. And that's enough for me, so I try not to sweat the little things. Does that make sense? I feel like I'm rambling."

"You don't want to just sit around waiting for the other shoe to drop." Dallas said quietly. I nodded.

"I don't think the other shoe has to drop. I think for once I can just be happy."

Dal stayed quiet, looking at me with a certain expression that I couldn't quite read. He seemed like he was in a state of wonder, like he was processing my words.

Dallas leaned in and delicately kissed my lips. I didn't react immediately because he was acting so different. Since when was he like this, acting all soft and quiet?

He parted from me and I opened my eyes, looking up at him.

"Gosh Dallas, what was that for?" I breathed. He was still close to me, his breath hitting my lips.

"Why did you save you loved me a while back?" He mumbled. I felt my breath hitched in my throat.

"Well, this may come as a surprise, but I do love you. When we first met, I absolutely hated you though, or at least I like to tell myself that." I chuckled after my sentence.

Dallas took off his ring and I watched his actions.

"Give me your hand." Dallas said. I furrowed my eyebrows.


"Come on, just do it."

I held out my hand and he slipped the ring onto my thumb since it was big on my fingers.

"What's this for?" I asked, studying the ring on my hand.

"It's to show that you're my girl, ya know? It's not a big deal or somethin." He mumbled, kicking at the ground uncomfortably. I bit my lip, unsuccessfully trying to hide my grin.

"Well, thanks. I won't make a big deal out of it." I looked at the ring, feeling myself fall in love all over again.

"People will see that ring and they'll know not to mess with you." Dal stated. I looked at him, a huge smile still on my face.

"Oh yeah, why?"

"Cause they'll know you're Dally's girl."

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