chapter 68 - different than dallas

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Had to drop a gif of this boy in case y'all forgot about him since he's in this chapter

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Had to drop a gif of this boy in case y'all forgot about him since he's in this chapter

~your p.o.v~

It had been two weeks since the fight with the socs. I was fine for the most part, but I was left with a thin scar through my eyebrow from when the soc punched me and gave me a black eye. His knuckle cut right through my eyebrow, and now I'd forever have a reminder of it.

I looked in the mirror, running my finger over the thin slit through my eyebrow. It didn't look bad, a lot of people might even say it looked tuff. I guess it's just weird, I never really saw myself as the type that got into fights and had the scars to show it.

I remember when Two-bit came home the next morning after the fight and was freaking out when he saw the state I was in. I was all bruised up, lying in bed with an ice pack over my eye. Dallas had woken up super early in the morning, brought me an ice pack from the fridge, and left before anyone got home.

I was getting ready to go out with Dallas. It wasn't anything fancy, we were just gonna go to the Dingo for a bit and then see what we were in the mood to do afterwards.

I left the house, but not before I grabbed the switch blade Two-bit gave me. I didn't think anything would happen again since it was rare for greasers to be attacked on their side of town, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

I was walking down the street and the sun was setting. It was really pretty outside.

I was just minding my own business when suddenly I heard someone whistling a tune behind me.

"Is that little Ms. Sheldon I see?" The voice called. I mentally groaned, slowing down. I turned around and put on a fake smile.

"Hey, Robert."

"Look at you, you're a greaser now." Robert approached me, grabbing my jacket and pulling me close to him. I looked at him warily, a feeling of distrust erupting inside of me.

"Yeah. You know what happened by now. Gossip spreads fast." I felt nervous so out of habit I dug into my pocket, grabbing my pack of cigarettes and my lighter. Robert watched my movements.

"I can hardly believe it. Y/n Sheldon becoming a greaser."

I lit my cigarette and brought it up to my lips, my nerves slowly washing away. I closed my eyes, blowing out the smoke.

"You've changed." Robert mumbled and I opened my eyes to look at him.

"I'm aware."

"Where are you off to?" He asked, backing me up into the fence. I furrowed my eyebrows at his actions.

"I'm going on a date. Can I go now?" I tried to walk past him but he grabbed my arm spinning me around towards him.

"With who? Dallas?"

"Yeah, Dallas. He's my boyfriend after all." I yanked my arm away from him and Robert chuckled.

"You got yourself a bad boy now? A criminal? I always thought you'd end up with me instead of some other greaser." Robert plucked my cigarette away from me and took a drag from it.

"You were never into me. Besides, you don't date girls, you use them." I felt uncomfortable. Why was he bringing this up all of the sudden?

"Oh, and Dallas doesn't? He's Dallas Winston." -Robert shrugged- "only a matter of time before he cheats or dumps you."

"You don't know anything. Just leave me alone, alright? You don't have any right to completely disregard my feelings for you and then come running after me when I'm finally happy!" I was beyond annoyed.

"I can do whatever I want whether you like it or not." He was inches from my face and I didn't like it one bit.

"Jesus, Robert." I shoved him away. He chuckled.

"See, that's the difference between Dallas and me. He's got a soft spot for some broad like you, but I don't have soft spots for anyone. Dallas can persuade people to give him what he wants, but I take what I want. I'm colder than Dallas."

"You're worse than Dallas. I was just too blind to see that when I was younger." I stated.

"You liked me because I was more real than anyone you'd ever met." His fingers locked into the fence next to me.

"Yeah, back then I did." I stared into his eyes, feeling bitter. "But just because you're honest doesn't mean you're a good person."

"I've never been good. You know that."

"When I fell in love with you, I still thought everyone was good at heart. I know how wrong I was now."

"Oh, yeah? Good."

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