chapter 31 - ready to strike

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~your p.o.v~

I let out a tired yawn as I finished up my homework at the table in the dingo. I had been sitting here for hours, occasionally sipping on a cup of coffee that had now gone cold.

I was snapped out of my work when I felt someone slide into the seat next to me. I immediately tensed up, expecting to see someone like Robert next to me, but was relieved to find Two-bit with his signature grin. He put his arm around the back of the booth behind me and looked down at my work.

"What are you workin on?" He asked. I gave him a smile and turned back to my work.

"Just some homework due tomorrow and a little bit of studying for an upcoming science test." I said, placing some papers into order.

"Oh yeah? I forgot about both." He chuckled.

"I could help you out if you want. I understand what we're doing on the test and the homework isn't too complicated." I offered. He hesitated for a moment, considering it.

"I guess I could give it a shot. I've never been the type to care about school work, so if I don't pay attention-"

"Nah, don't worry about it. I enjoy helping out with this kind of stuff, it's no trouble." I assured him, immediately grabbing everything I'd need to help him with the work out of my bag.


Two-bit and I had been sitting there for hours, just studying non-stop. I walked him though the homework, but wasn't able to actually help him do it since he didn't have his notebook. I was hoping maybe he'd go home and do it, but knowing Two-bit he probably wouldn't.

At first I could tell Two-bit was uninterested, but soon he seemed to be engaged in it surprisingly. He willingly sat there with me for hours and didn't complain once. I would've gladly allowed him to leave if he wanted to and made sure he knew that, yet he still sat with me and listened the whole time.

We had finished up and Two-bit had told me that he should be heading home. I packed up my bag and we went our separate ways.

As I was walking home, I knew it would take me a bit to get back into soc territory. I didn't expect to run into trouble on the way home.

Of course, unexpected things happen all the time.

I felt someone's arm wrap around my waist, causing me to jump. I turned to see Robert.

"You just don't give up, do you?" I muttered, my heart beat quickening. Even if I did always snap at him, I knew how reckless he was.

"Awe, that's no way to greet an old pal." He fake whined, now turning me towards him and wrapping both his arms around my waist. I sighed, avoiding eye contact.

"What do you want from me, Rob?" I spoke softly. I was sick of fighting with him, I just wanted him to shut his trap and leave.

He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. He didn't like it when I avoided eye contact, he wanted me to look at him.

And he was one of those boys that always got what he wanted.

I backed away slightly, but my back hit the fence behind me.

"Listen, just let me go home. Alright? Go find some other broad or somethin, we all know how many girls are droolin over you." I snapped.

"Dallas Winston is really rubbing off on you, huh? Because the old Y/n I know wouldn't have ever snapped at me like that." He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"What's with you and caring about who I hang out with? It's none of your business. You don't give a shit about me so stop actin like you do." I glared at him.

Robert grabbed my hips and pulled me close to him, causing an involuntary gasp to pass my lips. 

"I can see right through your little act, Sheldon. You snap at me and try to brush me off like I don't mean nothin to you, but I know you. I can feel how hard your heart is pounding, how your eyes are dilated from pure adrenaline. You fear me deep down, Y/n. Always have and always will. I have power over you and you know it." He spoke in a low tone, causing my blood to run cold.

"Listen here, Porter-"

"Just stop fighting me, Y/n. Drop the act." His breath ghosted over my lips. I shook my head, but I couldn't bring myself to speak.

"This isn't an act. If I were you, I'd stop before you regretted it." I tried my best to keep my voice from wavering, but the fear in my voice was still evident.

"Regret it, wow I'm shaking." He teased, lighting a cigarette. I watched as he brought it up to his lips, clenching my fists in pure rage.

"You gonna get your boyfriend Dallas to beat me up?" He taunted. I stared at him with a blank expression.

"Oh yeah, I'll get my boyfriend Dallas to beat you up." I snapped. What was I saying? Dallas wouldn't do that for me. Dallas wasn't my boyfriend.

I just wanted to get out of this, but I knew there was no easy way out. I just wanted him to leave me alone.

"Doubt that relationship will last long, you know how Dallas is-"

"Just shut your trap, alright?! I'm sick of you!" I shoved Robert away. I quickly realized my mistake because once he balanced himself again, he looked back up on me with a dark expression. There was a gleam of recklessness in his eyes, hell it could even be insanity.

He wanted to hurt me now.

Robert stormed over to me and raised his hand, about to strike me, when a loud voice stopped him.

"Porter, what the hell do you think you're doing?"


Dallas fucking Winston.

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