Close call

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She ran and ran. This was why she hate big mansions. There's so many damn long hallways. With a sharp turn on the right, she arrived at her room. She panted, putting her hands on her knees and sucked big portion of air. "Hah... hah... Fin- hah.. -ally..." She tried to push the door open after her recovery from her run. "E-ehh? No no no! Not this time too!"

The door won't budge, even a little. "Oh my ALL FUCKING MIGHT! ABRACADABRA MOVE!" She shouted while waving her small hands in front of the door, as if it would move if she did that. "Not today, DOOR! YOU WON'T LET ME DOW- gwehh" She shouted and headbutted the door, which turned out with her getting a round, red mark on her [skin/tone] forehead. "Hweyy... hweeeeyyy.. opwen dis door.." she mumbled and lightly scratched the door. Tears started forming on the corner of her eyes.

"Am I too childish to leave the dinner just because of my score? No. Do I regret it? No. Will I do that again? Yes." She mumbled. "Uhm, [nickname]-sama what are you doing? You just need to-" "Go away!" "H-hai.. I'm sorry [nickname]-sama.."

"Call me [nickname]! No '-sama' too!!" She ordered before her maid scurried away. As she was trying to figure how to open her damned door, someone coughed behind her. "Ughhh, Rinnnn-chAaanN... just ignore me-" A firm slap on her head made her quiet. "Hakkun.." He sighed. "What are are you doing, [Y/n]?" "I'm trying to think how to open this babies." She gave the door three nice slaps. Akio was about to tell his young lady that she just need to turn the door knob, but where's the fun then?

"May I assist you, then?" "Hah! You just said assist!" She laughed as her world spun around. "What the hell? Hey? Hey! HEY DON'T BLACK OUT HERe--!"

"I'm really relieved that it was not too serious.. thanks for alarming me Akio-san.." "No sweat, Yaoyorozu-sama... She's my responsibility too.." Momo smiled at the statement. "Akio-san.. I- I'm really glad you're wih her all the time..." "Yaoyorozu-sam-" "Let me speak first, please..." He nodded and Momo patted an empty place on the [fav/colour] sofa. He gladly took her nice invitation and both of them made themself more comfortable.

"Since 4 years old... u-until now.. You're the one with her.. I felt so horrible as I got all the attention that I didn't need while [nickname] was left alone in the dark... She also seemed to adjust with this so I barely pay attention to her.. She never taste neither Mother nor Father's love.. I never show my love to her.. I'm such a useless sister.. She suffers alone, and sometimes she thought I didn't see her wounds that she made on herself.. I also know she have an app named Wattpad, and how she showed half of her true colours there, not in the real world.. Thank you, thank you for staying with her! Thank you for saving her from the villain when she was 4!! I-- We Yaoyorozu's owe you, Hansuke Akio-san!" She finished her short speech with a bow.

"I did what when she was 4...?" Akio tilted his head, scratching his the back of his neck. Momo's eyes met his wondering ones. "Wha- what? [Nickname] asked our parents to take you as a trained butler at the age of 9 because you saved her..! She told us you saved her!" Momo's voice was raised a little higher.

"Momo, Hakkun, shut the fuck up I'm having a nice dream." [Y/n]'s bored voice silenced them. "My head hurts... And. Get. Out." She sternly said while lightly rubbed her head only to hiss when it hurt. Momo and Akio went out with their heads hung low.

"That was close..." [Y/n] fiddled with her thumbs and let out a long sigh. The story that Momo told him wasn't wrong, instead she just need to switch the roles. Yes.

[Y/n] was the one who saved Hansuke Akio when she was 4 years old.

End of chapter 4

[EDITED 26/3]
This cringe to be honest.

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