I can be a hero

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After a few days, the twins welcomed their parents from their work. "It's good to see you two again!" Their mother said, crushing the two in her mama bear hug. Their father coughed, leading them to seperate from the hug. "Though.. We have something to say, come everybody." Their father strictly said, made a signal to follow him and all of them followed behind his back like baby ducks following their mother.

The living room's doors was opened with the help of two strong maids. [Y/n] bounced a bit on the velvet-coloured sofa, feeling the comfiness comforting her. Momo hold her hand and lightly squeezed it, meaning she needed to stop her action or she could make their father angry.

"As you know..." He was cut off when a maid poured him and his wife tea. "Ah, thank you, and please don't let anyone enter this room, okay?" He ordered watching the maid nod. One of the maids gave a look at both [y/n] and Momo, which made them quietly gulp. "...U.A. Entrance Exam is nearing." He started after the door was closed. [Y/n] groaned in her head.

"And I've got some of my hero friends to recommend you to the school's principle, Nezu." He said as he brought up a letter. He turned it to show the words Momo Yaoyoyorozu in a cursive writing. "Momo, you've been recommended." He said and their mother clapped her hands. "Isn't that just great? Ne~ ne~?" Momo clenched her fist, feeling unsatisfied by this recommendation thing. "That's amazing, father, mother! I'm really flattered... but what about [y/n]?"

Their father put his both of his elbows on his knees. "[Y/n] needs to learn how to properly enter the school." Their father shot a look at her second daughter, who was softly slurping the tea.

Their mother decided to butt in. She titled her head. "Hn. It wouldn't be fair if someone just enter without really having talents, dear Momo!" She put two fingers on her chin and gave a closed-eye smile at the two. Momo's eyes twitched at the statement.

"But it wouldn't be fair for [Y/n]!!" Momo defended, hands slamming at the expensive coffee table, almost shaking the things that laid on it.

"[Y/n]! Say something-!" Momo looked at her sister, only to be stared back. She was drinking the [fav/fruit] tea that she requested from the maid. Her eyes didn't show much emotions, like always. She set her cup down with elegancE.

"Why thaNk you, mother and father, for giving me a chance to prove myself.." She gripped on the [skirt/shorts/etc] in order to keep calm. "-that I can be a hero." She finished the sentence by drinking her tea again, not caring her father's hard glare.

End of chapter 8

[EDITED 26/3]
*Looks at the word counts and sighed*
"Might as well add some sentences."

«Momo's Twin» Book 1✔Where stories live. Discover now