Toru Hagakure

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"Recovery girl is going to be really angry if she know I don't eat my lunch.. but like I care.. nobody cares, haha.." [Y/n] shrugged and swiftly open her shoes, freeing her feet. "I love the view up here.. It's calming.." "That's true, [Y/n]-chan!" A sweet voice came.

When [Y/n] looked to her side, she found a floating uniform. "Haga-chan.. you scared me.." " 'Haga-chan' ? Is that my nickname? So cute!!!" As soon as [Y/n] realized what she said, she covered her mouth. "Ye-yeah.. your name is quite long, Haga-chan.." Hagakure's sleeve went upward. "Hmm.. So.. how about this? Call me Toru!" Hagakure's uniform closed the space between them.

[Y/n] blushed. "S-so close.. and.. You sure..? We aren't even close.." "If Toru is easier for you to say, Toru it is!" "Okay then.. Toru-san." Hagakure's heart fluttered at the way her name rolled on the girl's tongue. "Kyaaaa!! You're so cute eventhough you act really, really cold to us!!" She squealed. "Am I.. nice?" "I think you are the... 'Once you earn my trust, I'll be good to you' kind of person!" [Y/n] snorted at that.

"I guess, I do trust you, Toru-san." "Awww! Cut off the honorifics, [Y/n]!!" "Then I want you to call me.. [Nickname]. And make sure.. our friendship is.. secret.." "Why?" "We're playing the game 'Secrets'. My friends taught me how to play it." "Ahh, okay and I thought you don't have friends..?" "That's just plain rude." [Y/n] slightly pouted, making Hagakure's see-through face warmed.

"AHHH STOP BEING SO CUTE BEFORE I SQUEEZE YOU TO DEATH!" Hagakure's invisible hand started squishing the poor girl's cheeks, turning them into a bright red colour. 'Wait.. her hands are warm.. just like us with no mutation Quirks...?'

[Y/n]'s eyes widened. 'Gotta tell Izu about this later.' "So, let's eat!!" Hagakure took out her lunch, which was sandwiches in the cheap, hard plastic container- You know what? Let's not talk about that. [Y/n]'s stomach growled, and drool leaked out of her lips. 'I forgot to make food!!' She mentally screamed and kept staring at Hagakure's food.

Hagakure quickly took notice of her behaviour. "Uhm, [Nickname]-chan.. Are you by any chance.. forgot to bring any food or snacks..?" Hagakure asked as she gulped her orange juice, which came from nowhere. [Y/n], being the girl who would do anything for food- accidetally blurted out, "Toru, your kindness to share food with me is really admirable." Hagakure let out a girly laugh while holding her uniform, which the Author assumed as stomach.

"Here, take one! I'll still have one more, and if you're still hungry, I'll give it to you! All of them~!" Hagakure pushed the small plastic to the girl. She hestitated. "If you don't mind.." She picked up the sandwich, and carefully bit it. Hagakure waited as if [Y/n] was a world-wild cook, and she was about to get her food tested. "It's.. scrumptious.." [Y/n]'s black eyes twinkled. "WHAT'S IN IT?" "It's one of my favourites, [fav/fillings]!!"

[Y/n] put her palm on the other side of the sandwich before pushing it all in. "Aif meht meh shoulmet.." Hagakure's head titled, confused. [Y/n] chewed and coughed. "I've met my soulmate. This is my favourite fillings. Not many people know how delicious it is.." Hagakure's body bounced up and down. "Desho, desho?!"

Hagakure laughed again, and [Y/n] chuckled.

End chapter 22

[EDITED 26/3]
Forgot to tell, it is a rectangular(?) sandwich! That's why she can push it all into her mouth XD
Author's mother loved making them!

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