Going back to U.A

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[Filler Chappie]

Momo's eyes fluttered open. Her hand caught the digital alarm on her nightstand.

6:01 in the morning..

[Y/n] shifted a little as her sister nudged her with her finger. "[N/n]-chan." "Mnyehhhh..." Momo chuckled and stared at her sister sleeping so peacefully. It was as if she was the diffrent [Y/n], Sleeping [Nickname] was calmer. While The Real [Y/n].. sigh. That's not the point though, "There's school today! So wakey wakey [Nickname]~!" The said girl groaned and slapped her sister's hand away from her precious cheek.

"Are you okay now?" Momo asked while slowly ripping the almost dry towel from her forehead. One of [Y/n]'s eyes opened. "Yesh.. I guesh..." both of them sat up and stared into eachother's eyes.

"Hey can I wear contact lenses?" Momo was thrown off guard by the question. "N-no? Father and mother would be-" "Meh. They don't care to be honest." Momo sighed. "Then.. what colour do you wan-" "[E/c] please!" Momo thought and slowly nod. "We'll buy one this weekend, if that's okay with you." "Hn! I'm so glad we finally make up.."

They closed the spaces between them and started hugging eachother tightly. "I miss your hugs, Momo.." "hihi~ I thought you hate hugs?"


"UGH" They parted. Momo was the first to hop off the bed and helped the smaller teen to stand. "You should've set the alarm to 7.." "I know" Momo slung her long towel over her shoulder. "I'm showering first!" "Suuuure...

Only if you arrive at the toilet...First.."

"O h? You challenged me? Well...

It i s O N."


"Yup, and they're officially made up." Hansuke peeked from the wall. "Sigh... Thank god. Those 'Rozus sisters need to calm down. Now I don't have to greet an upset [Y/n]..." He chuckled. "Yeah yeah.. No worries. I'll take care of-" He tried to peek again. Ha. Key word. Tried. His golden orbs met with [Y/n]'s black ones. "Boo." It was as if he was dead for a second, his soul left his body.


"Oi Hakkun? You there??"

[Y/n] picked up the phone using her pointer finger and thumb. Putting it on her ear, she heard Kiki's panicked voice asking his whereabouts. "....You two... Are exposed.. Boom." She ended the call and looked at her lifeless friend. "[Y/n] it's your turn." Momo called to her and she left the phone in his hand before rushing to the bathroom.

"Finally fresh and out of that house!" [Y/n] stretched and heard some satisfying pops and cracks. (I don't know if that's satisfying for you guys-) "Yes. I hope everybody's doing just fine!" Momo closed the gate and walked next to her. "I wonder if Izuku is alright.." Momo raised an eyebrow at the statement. "Why the spesific person?" They stopped in their tracks. "Momo... You better shut it..." Momo's eyebrows wiggled in unhuman speed, [Y/n] just wanted to rip off that smirk. "Oh~ oh~ my little sister got a crush?~"

"Even if it is.. what's wrong with it? You stared at me when I talk to Kyoka!" Momo looked a bit jealous. "No fair! I didn't get to call the girls by their first names!" "Haha, that's what you get for being too polite." Momo huffed her cheeks. "Aww.. I'll help you to be impolite next time!" "W-what! No?! I didn't ask you to do that.." [Y/n] poked her sister's cheek in a teasing manner. "Wait Momo!" She yanked Momo's arm back, almost causing the female to fall on her butt.

"I have this idea... Mind hearing it?"

"...is it a prank?"

"Yep. The whole class will be pranked.. only if you join me.." Momo kind of guessed what she's planning on. "I'm in." The two smirked and high fived.

End chapter 31

It's 1 a.m.
I'm crying. Why the hell does my ideas seem to pop up when I'm about to have some nice sleep? Good thing tomorrow has no school!

[EDITED 26/3]

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