A Nice Meeting?

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"Uhh... care to have some drink with me?" The blond gritted his teeth in annoyance. 'I hate being so fucking formal like this guy.. Can't he just straight to the point?' Bakugo nodded and 'tch'ed again, stuffing his hands into his pockets. '[Nickname] are you serious? Why are you choosing this guyyyyy....?' Akio's smile twitched and continued to carry the girl in his arms, not caring the stares he received. "Uh, so she booked this..café..." The red haired guy made a disgusted face as he stared at the information in her handphone. The other boy tried to peek, but since Hansuke was a lot taller than him, he couldn't.

"Cat café..." The two groaned in their heads, Hansuke imagining [Y/n] laughing at their faces. They followed the direction in the small device for 5 minutes, finally seeing a building painted with cute pastel colours. "Hello boys! I'm sorry but a girl already reserved-" Akio pointed at [Y/n]. "Her?" Her eyes trailed to [Y/n]'s frame. "Y-yes.. please come in.." she gingerly pushed open the door, her purple cat ears drooping a bit. She walked in with them a flipped the 'Open' sign. "Have a good day, boys! The café is upstairs by the way." She smiled before going away.


"HELLO! MY NAME IS GUMO NIJI, THE WAITRESS!" If he could, he would blow this girl to pieces. She was pratically screaming into their ears. "Bakugo-san, what'd you like to order? It's on me." Two pairs of eyes scanned the menu that was given earlier when they found a spot to sit. Oh, and did you wonder where was [Y/n]? Well, a woman with dark blue hair threw [Y/n] at the fluffy [fav/colour] rugged floor and cats surrounded her body soon after she landed with a soft 'thump'.

"I'll take this crepe shit and this mocha thing." He pointed to the food and she nodded happily. "I'll take tiramisu and boba tea." (I never go to a café so idk) "Okay! Please wait!~" She was out of their sight. "So.. What-the-fuck your name is-" "It's Akio Hansuke, please remember." They had a glaring contest before sighing and Bakugo 'tch'ing. "This is fucking annoying. I wanna just go fucking home and train for the sports festival." The slightly older male smiled. "Actually Bakugo-san, that's what you're here for!" He took out a paper out of his pocket located on his chest.

"Here! I'm too lazy to read what she write, and I hope you can understand her writing,"

The paper was snatched in seconds, and Bakugo started reading. A sentence made him stop. "Oi what the fuck is this?" He showed to the male. Akio moved a bit forward to see what was written in the paper. "I think she wanted to discard.. 'past' and 'you' or something?" He scratched his cheek because the handwriting was so bad even he couldn't read it. "I'm pretty sure she accidentally wrote that. Haha, she and her fanfictions.." The same annoying waitress came with a tray full of food.

"ENJ-" (Author: Hah, let me add the word 'I' in this)

"Stop screaming you weirdo." The two said in unison. "Aw I'm sorry! I must be too loud!!" She apologized with a red face and ran to the kitchen. "Wasn't expecting for you to said that, Bakugo-san.." "..she's just too damn noisy. It's hurting my ears." They started to eat. "And about that fucking paper. Tell her to re-write it. I can't read any shit." "Ughhh.. She wants you to train with her.. She actually wants to do her best in this useless activity." "What do you mean 'useless'? It's one of the fucking important steps to be a hero."

"I didn't expect her to enter the Sports Festival, though. Since she usually skips when the school held one. I think since.. first grade or kindergarten?" He was gripping his spoon tightly, and Bakugo who had sharp eyes noticed this. "Tell me more about the shitty girl." Akio looked at the boy with amusement. "Hm, and why?~ Oh heck I sound like Young Lady lately." He chuckled to himself. "Well, telling or not Glitch?" "Maybe, or maybe not?"

He was threathened after the teasings and he told some of [Y/n]'s childhood while laughing his ass off. "T-THOUGH I-I remember when she saved me from Father-" He stopped laughing. '..the sensitive spot.' Him not being a nosy person, decided not to push him to say anymore. "...ACHOO!" They turned to see [Y/n] cuddling with the cats. "Oh.. Baku, Hakkun. WAIT IS THAT-" Akio swallowed his food, Bakugo following soon after seeing the girl about to dash at them. "..I'm hungry.. And did you read my-?" "He doesn't understand it."

[Y/n] talked to herself before inhaling deeply. "Bakugo Katsuki, would you do a favor," she put her hands on her thighs. "of teaching me to fight/training with me for the upcoming Sports Festival?" She bowed and let her bangs cover her eyes. "What? Why would you think I'll do-" "Because.. My senses say so..? Yeah. And my Quirk does nothing to you!" After some time of begging and the clock ticking, Bakugo slammed his hands on the table. "UGH FUCKING FINE!" She inwardly smiled and cheered. "Thanks Bakugo-sa-" "And cut the fucking formality! IT'S FUCKING ANNOYING TO HEAR YOU TWO SAY IT!!"

"I'll call you Bakugo then."


"Katsuki-san it is."


End chapter 34

Chapter(s) of Katsuki is done~
And [Y/n], already first name basis? Nyurufufufu~

And word for the day is....

Annoying ><

Thanks for reading!


«Momo's Twin» Book 1✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora