:D Am I a hero yet?

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"O-only o-one p-p-point.. h-hah.. P-please...!"

[Y/n] frowned as she heard the boy said that. What pained her heart was how he clawed the hard concrete, and made an attempt to stand up.

"I-Izu.. C-calm down! You're hurt!!" Her face was covered with sweat, but she didn't want to show how tired she was to the crowd.


"Here, here! Take some gummies! Is anybody hurt?" A sweet voice came in from behind the crowd.

"Wh-who is that?"

"That mademoiselle is the backbone of UA~" Aoyama posed for the reade- //slapped


"UA's High licensed school nurse, the Youthful Hero: Recovery Girl! U.A. can only go through with such reckless entrance exam because of her~!" Some people nodded.

R.C (Recovery Girl) walked to the place where the main protagonists- [Y/n] and Izuku were at.

[Y/n] retracted her parachute, and cleared the place so the hero could do her work without any restrain.

"My, my.. your Quirk does this to your body? It is as if your body can't handle the Quirk..." she sighed and stretched her lips so she kissed Izuku's forehead. "Chuuu~"

Izuku's limbs went back to their natural place, the bruises faded. The hero looked at the girl.

"Ah, [Y/n]? Long time no see, dear." She smiled, and then realized her bloodied palms. "You can go to the infirmary and clean those by yourself, can you, [Y/n]?"

"H-huh? Where am I?" The boy panicked seeing the new surrounding.


"Ah-ah thanks- [Y/n]?! What are you doing here?! Are you hurt!?" He looked at the girl sitting on a chair not far from him.

[Y/n] hissed as the cotton ball touched her palm. "Look at yourself first, dummy. This is nothing for the great [Y/n] to handle."

He chuckled while looking at her. "Tha-thanks for saving me, [Y/n]-chan!"

"Of course, Izuku." She tried to wrap a bandage on her hand, but failed. Izuku who saw this, stood up from his place, and helped her.

[Y/n] looked up and stared into his beautiful emerald eyes. "Sooo....

Am I a hero yet?"

"Yes you are! Andd.. done!" He warmly smiled as he finished wrapping the bandage neatly.

End of chapter 13

[EDITED 26/3]
I love Izuku so much. Should he be [Y/n]'s love interest for my new book?

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