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"Okay, I'm lost, and I enter this bathroom becuase I want to hide my face from embarrasment. Clever." She slapped her forehead.

As she looked at the mirror, she saw dried blood on the back of her hand. "Oh yeah, this.."

She washed the dried blood, and found a large wound. She cringed looking at the thing.

"Woah, didn't expect that.." she created a huge plaster and slapped it on the spot, making her hiss.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that I was lost. Great. Just great." She quickly ran out of the door.

After running for 4 minutes straight, she arrived in front of a giant door with the word Class 1-A. "Must be for some Giant-Quirk students... great thinking U.A."

As she opened the door, she was greeted with the blue-hair dude. She instantly growled, but then decided to ignore him, 'Until he says sorry to Izuku..'

Her eyes met with her sister's, both of them release a quiet 'hmph' before making their eyes look into some random directions.

They're really stubborn at a time like this. They're humans with fragile hearts.

Too fragile sometimes.

[Y/n] reading [Fav/anime] manga at her spot in peace, which was at the back of the class.

When she turned the page, her eyes caught a glimpse of her hated ship.. which is [Hated/ship]. Her eyes were wide open, her hands clutched to the manga, hard. She, out of stress and disgust, threw away her manga.

Which caused a really loud bang, and made eyes looked at her.

"I hate this shiiiippp.." She quietly screeched.

"Woah, woah. Dude, calm down." A yellow haired guy with a lighting symbol on his hair said, since he was the nearest to the girl.

"Try imagine this. Your favourite anime gave you, your hated ship! And if release the hate in the online, just wait until people give you hate threads as well! So I'll just take this back.. you go back to your place! Done!" She huffed, before grabbing the book.

'I'm sorry Manga-san! I didn't mean to hurt you!' She hugged the manga back to her body.

"Alright, alright! Just remember to calm down, 'kay?"

"YeAh!" She flopped on her seat, tucked her manga somewhere, put her head in on her arms and started snoring- Eh?!

"-huuuh, why do you care, Megane?!"

"Your insult reminded of someone (cough)! And please put your feet down! It is disrespecting to the people who had used and made this desk!"

"Like I care! Where are you from?!"

"I'm Iida Tenya from Somei-"

"Somei, huh?! Then I'll have fun crushing you!!"

" 'crush' ?! Do you even want to be a hero?! With that attitude?!"

[Y/n]'s eyes fluttered open from the noise. She looked at the door.

"Izwuku...? huh..? What..? Izuku!" Iida, Bakugou and a cinnamon roll looked at her. Izuku's eyes went wide, as if it was telling 'you made a huge mistake..'


"Midoriya, I'm Iida Tenya from-"

"Iida-kun. I h-heard what you said-"

"I must hand it to you, Midoriya! You.. you know there's something else in the exam, right? I-I.. I think you're a better hero than I am.."

'Is he saying a sorry or a compliment? I'll take both. You're forgiven.'

"A-actually Iida-kun, I-" Midoriya said, only to be cut by a sweet voice.

"Uwahh! It's the plain kid with freckles and an unkept hair! You got into Class 1-A too?!" Her cheeks looked like as if she was 24/7 blushing.

'So carefree and bubbly.. is that what Momo wants me to transform into? That'll take some times to happen..'

"If you're here to make friends, I suggest you to leave."

A monotone voice said, silencing all 21 students.

[Y/n] slapped her face, eyes twinkling. "The Pro Hero: EraserHead..!!!! Ahhhhh!!!" She screamed in her head, careful not to let out any noise.

The hero took out a packet of juice from his bag sleeping, before squeezing the content out.

He rolled inside the classroom and stood up at the front of the class.

"I know this is too sudden.. but.. put these on and meet me at the school field. Hurry." He shoved the P.E clothes at the students in front of him.

End of chapter 17

[EDITED 26/3]
Sorry if I went overboard with the manga. I wouldn't do that because they're so precious and expensive here ;-;

What's your hated ship? Just asking.

«Momo's Twin» Book 1✔Where stories live. Discover now