The Yaoyorozu's clashed again

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"Oh, by the way. The thing about expelling.. It was just a ruse."


"Chill you guys. It's you guys' fault for not realizing it." [Y/n] said pridefully, making Katsuki somewhere, huffed.

She put one of her hands on her waist, while the other hand was playing with the hem of her P.E shirt.

"She is corre-.. I mean, Aizawa-sensei did that so we can pushed ourself to our limit. No way he'll expell his student at the first day." Momo did almost the same pose, instead, her hand landed on her chest.

"Excuse you, Momo-san. Aizawa-sensei has expelled his whole class in the first day, in the past." [Y/n] blew her bangs out of her face and raised an eyebrow at her.

"[Y/n] if I get you, I'm going to-" Momo clenched her fist.

"Blergh~" She stuck her tongue out.

"Yaoyorozu, [Y/n], enough. If you two said anything, I'm going to give detention for the both of you." Aizawa said blankly. 'I have to seperate those two.. they're going to cause destructions if they meet..'

"Hm.. There are some handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom, so when you get back, look over them, alright?" Aizawa said before going somewhere.

"Izuku, let's get your finger a check at Recovery Girl." [Y/n] said. Midoriya nodded but before the girl could take a step, he hold her.

"Ah, I c-can go by myself, [Y/n]-chan... I-I don't need your help.."

"A-alright. I'll go h-home! Bye!" Her nose stung as she held back her tears.

She ran passed the girls and went into the girls' changing room. Quickly she changed her clothes before going to the classroom.

'I'm glad I'm the first one to come here!' She grabbed her back, took the papers on her desk, then bolted out of the classroom.

"Ya-cchan! Where are you going? It's still too earl-"

"S oM eWh ErE" She stopped in her track, only to glare at the smaller male.

"A-ALRIGHT BYE! SAFE TRIP!" He said, almost pissing himself.

She made a peace sign with her fingers before continuing her run.

"What's wrong, dude?" Kaminari nudged the boy's back using his foot. "You've been standing here for some minutes.. Were you waiting for us?" Kirishima added.

"He won't move, Kirishima. Should we drag him?" "Yeah." "Do you have any other ways? Dragging is a bit harsh." Ojiro asked and scratched his cheek. "Nope."

Kaminari took Mineta's collar using his pointer finger before lifting him up, and started dragging him while talking with Kirishima and some other guys.

"I AM COMING THROUGH THE DOOR, LIKE A BEAUTIFUL QUEEN I AM!" [Y/n] stepped inside while holding the tip of her skirt. She stopped, before looking at the caretaker.

"Knight Kiki, close the door, please." Kiki snickered and closed the oak door.

"Welcoming, Queen [Y/n] Yaoyorozu from the hell- I mean, her castle!" The kids cheered as [Y/n] did a spin and created a [Fav/colour] fans and started dancing. Each faces were painted with goofy smiles, and made [Y/n]'s mood lighten.

(Took some hours to find this video)

"Uwahhh!! Nee-san knows how dance!!"

"Of course I do!"


"Y-you're scaring me, Amy-chan.. And o-okay.. I'll teach you someday.."

"Nee-san! Tell us how was your day at U.A!!"

"Story time!"

"Yay! Yay!"

"Nyurufufuufufufu~ It isn't interesting, but story time it is!!"

End chapter 20
Sorry this is kinda like a filler chapter

[EDITED 26/3]
I love Aikatsu so much. Please don't hate me

«Momo's Twin» Book 1✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ