U.S.J [1/2]

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"Midoriya-chan. Kero." The whole bus quiet down after the cutest frog girl opened her mouth. The said boy flinched and looked at the girl. "Y-yes Asui-san?" He fidgeted, feeling rather small under her gaze. "Call me 'Tsu', kero. And I'm only saying what's on my mind." He nodded. "Your Quirk. It's similar to All Mi-" [Y/n] covered her ears. "Anybody save this poor boy.." Midoriya gulped loudly as everybody's attention was on him. "U-uhm Tsu-san.." [Y/n] sighed.

"Hold up Tsu/Asui-san." Kirishima's red eyes and [Y/n]'s [e/c] ones met. Kirishima gave a 'lady-goes-first' look and [Y/n] mouthed a 'thank you'. "Izuku hurts himself everytime he uses it, while All Might doesn't." She stopped, giving Kirishima a space to say his opinion. "Yeah, and that's where the similarities end." Tsuyu took some time to think of the information she got. "Okay. Kero." [Y/n] slightly smiled (which looked like a smirk to the naked eyes) and her eyes became heavy.


"Alright settle down, we're here." Aizawa said. "Todoroki, wake [Y/n] up." Aizawa gave a glance at the ravennete who was sleeping, giving no mind to the world. Todoroki touched her shoulders, then retracted his hand back. "Sensei." Aizawa looked back at the boy. "She's burning up."


Momo's eyes widened, she balled her hands balled into fists.

"Mother, is [Y/n] going to be fine?" A dry chuckle got out of the smaller girl's mouth. "I'm feeling just fine, Momo. No need to-" she stopped herself and started coughing. "Momo, no need to accompany me! The maids are friendly. Come on, enjoy the holiday.." Momo forced a smile and nodded, leaving with their mother.

"[Y/n], you have to stay back." Aizawa ordered, and she slowly opened her eyes. "N-no. I'm just a bit dizzy. Nothing serious." She stood from her place, feeling pain coursing all over her body. Wanting to prove she's okay, she made a thumbs up towards her teacher. "...if you say so, then alright." The students walked out of the bus excitedly. Of course except some other students. Like [Y/n].

Her world was spinning everywhere. Her stomach churned as she looked around. She wanted to throw up the food she ate earlier.

But she didn't.

'Because that's what heroes do. Put a smile.. Ignore the pain.. You're going to go home, nice and safe. So for now.. Stay in one piece.'

"Hello everyone!" A voice snapped her from her small talk. "I've been waiting for you all!" Midoriya and Uraraka's mouth threw many fangirl/boy noises. (Kinda like, nskwmajsisiwiwowowkwjwkowwk oh my goshhh!) Aizawa and Thriteen did a secret talk which Midoriya seemed to be shocked about. "I'm Thirteen, nice to meet you all!"

[Y/n] raised her hand. "Oh dear, we're not even starting, yet a person has a question!" Thirteen laughed. "Uhm, Thirteen-sensei..

Sorry to be rude but...

...what are your pronouns ?"

The question had everybody sweat-dropped. "What made you want to ask me that question?" "Well, if you check your personal description, it says Gender: Unknown. I need you to clear that for me." "My.. personal description..?" She tilted her head to ease out the pain. "Ah yes. In the My Hero Academia fa-" The lights flickered. "W-what's happening?!"

"Is it like a test or something?" Kirishima asked and readied his body (by hardening it). "Stand back! Thirteen, protect the children!" Aizawa pushed Kirishima out of his way, and put down his yellow/gold goggles. "I'm not a chi-" "Those are real villains."

The students and Thirteen panicked. "Everybody stay close to me! Don't go anywhere!" "Izuku this isn't the time to fucking analyze!" [Y/n] shouted and grabbed her friend, then realizing it wasn't the freckled bunny.

"Ah sorry wrong person." She let go of Iida's arm and went back to Izuku. "Izuku, this isn't a time to analyze!!" "H-HUH?" A black purple mist appeared and did the most polite and nicest introduction. 'Why do I feel so offended by this Misty..' [Y/n] covered her mouth as seeing the black thing made her stomach to do a flip. "S-so disgustin- *gag* -ngh.." The thing apparently heard what she said. "Are you okay, Miss? Because you all will be scattered to death!"

"NOT IF WE GET YOU FIRST!" The hard and blasty boy ran and was about to make a move when, "NO YOU FUCKING SHIT HEADS!" [Y/n]'s hands extended, some [f/c] dust appeared and tape coming out. The Misty used his Quirk, covering the place with black mist.

"AgH!" Both boys heard a shout when they landed.. On a rather.. soft thing. "Move!!" [Y/n] pushed them away from her aching body. "...." Some drips of blood oozed from her thigh. "O-oh My god, [Y/n] I'M SORRY!" Kirishima deactivated his Quirk. "No I'm perfectly alive, maybe a bit dead inside but I'm okay." She opened the small bag on her waist, taking out a small plaster and just 'slap' it on her bloodied skin. "I don't think that's the fucking way to put that thing." Bakugo commented.

"I'm stressed right now, and just let the bacteria or whatever spread around, I want to die." She tore the tape earlier with her teeth. "Uhm, you can't die from a woun-" [y/n] and the two looked around after some sounds entered their ears.

"Get ready to fight you two."

"I'm always ready, tch."

"Ready as I'll ever be!"

The damn U.S.J Arc! My head still hurts and I have lots of homework.

End chapter 27

[EDITED 26/3]

Edited 12 march 2020
Thank you for the reader who commented about this topic!

It was rude of me to say "are you a female or male" !! Sorry. I've changed it.

Here in my country, we don't usually call people with he/she/they since all of it has the same pronounce(?)

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