U.A's Entrance Exam (2/2)

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[Forgot to mention. Readers have changed her school uniform after Aoyama said they need to go do their exam! Reader-chan wears sports bra inside of a [fav/colour] hoodie. Reader-chan also wears shorts! The more skin, the better! (LMAO) By the way, enjoy!]

"GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Present Mic's shoutings rang throughout the battle arenas.

[Y/n] swiftly turned her body to the big gate before sprinting.

"H-hey!! What?!" Some of them shouted.


[Y/n] pat her hoodie's pockets. 'Snacks? Check!! Now let's do this!'

She ran and stopped as she saw two green robots targetting her.

"Target found." The robot said.

"Two pointers!" She quickly unzipped her hoodie, and made the boys who were by her side blushed madly.

Her belly glowed and an axe came out. Because why not?

Why an axe, though?

Why not a hammer?

It's because an axe took a bit of her energy, while a hammer took a lot. And she needed that energy to last longer for the exam.

And, because she read a lot of scary stories before he exam, and in the stories they mostly use an axe to ki-

She grabbed it, making sure her hands were comfortable to hold it for a long time.

[Y/n]'s butt was planted on the hard concrete, resulting a hiss to come out of her lips.

"Ha... ha... Tired.." she took out her [chocolate bar/anything else..] from her pocket and started munching.

She had created 27 axes that day, and hell, she was a bit tired. She didn't manage to fight off her laziness in the pass 10 months.

The three-pointer robots were tougher than the two and one-pointers, but it was worth it. A lot of points were needed to pass the exam.

"I wonder how Izu is doing.. He didn't even try to use it beforehand... This is worrying.." Her munching stopped.

Since when did she like to stick her nose inside of anyone's problem?

This wasn't her true self.. She never show it, only to Momo, eventhough it's a bit.

"Goddamit, Izu can manage it himself. He's nothing but just.. a guy!" She convinced her stirred up mind.

'A guy that encouraged me to be a hero? A guy who gave me the fuzzy feeling I never got? Well shit. This guy is important to me.'

The ground grumbled and shook.

"What the..?" As she looked behind her, she saw people running away.

'A robot? Why are they so sca-' She nearly pissed herself when she saw the robot's foot.

'That foot is bigger than the three-pointers... oh sh- Izu?! That's the nice girl he said?!' She threw the food away- which she would regret later- and eyes locked at the two teens' direction. Her brain was screaming, telling her to FUCKING MOVE, but her feet was stucked at the spot.

The guy that lectured Midoriya quickly ran past the frozen girl.

Everyone stopped as they heard the concrete cracked, and looked behind them, only to find the guy they were underestimating jumped towards the big robot with no hestitation.

'SMMAAAASHhHHHH!' He screamed in his head while thrusting his fist forward.

He punched the robot, right in the face! (Face?)

[Y/n] was about to celebrate on how amazing he was, until she realised.

"IZU, YOU'RE FALLINGGG!!!!" Everyone gasped at the mentioning.

She put both of her palms behind her thigh before two metal tubes slowly appeared.

"COME ONNNN!!!" She shouted before grunting, forcing herself to create the metal longer, in a short amount of time.

"GRAAAHHHHHH!!" With her loud cry, the tubes came out like waterfall. (uhmm.. by that i mean, real quick, and non-stop)

As they hit the concrete, she was sent flying in the air.

She retracted the tubes back in, as she bent her calves so they touched her thighs. She swung her arms forward and caught him. "GOTCHA!"

Since they were still falling, [Y/n] made her back face the sky and created a big [fav/colour] parachute.

Their fall was slower, and they- by that, I meant- [Y/n] landed gracefully.

End of chapter 12

[EDITED 26/3]
I didn't change that much, huh?

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