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"HAZEL IVY LUPIN, ARE YOU ready yet?" Remus Lupin yelled as he stood at the bottom of the creaky stairs

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"HAZEL IVY LUPIN, ARE YOU ready yet?" Remus Lupin yelled as he stood at the bottom of the creaky stairs.

"I'm coming!" Came the reply, then seconds later a brown haired teenage girl appeared right at the top of the stairs, dragging behind herself a large tattered, suitcase behind her and an owl cage in her other hand.

Remus couldn't help but chuckle as he watched his only daughter trying to drag down the suitcase, clearing struggling more than she thought she would, "Need a hand?" He questioned smugly, crossing his arms over his chest and looking up at the fifteen year old.

Hazel stopped fighting with her suitcase and glanced down, "Now he asks," She replied sarcastically receiving a loud chuckle from her dad before he grabbed his wand out of his coat pocket. Aiming it up, Hazel felt the suitcase slip from her hands, but it didn't fall down the stairs and instead glided down them gracefully before reaching the bottom.

"Thank you," The girl called out, finally being able to balance properly as she descended the stairs holding her owl's cage. The owl was a gorgeous Northern white-faced owl that Hazel got her for eleventh birthday from her dad. She named it Owlbus Dumbledore, a name her childhood best friend George Weasley suggested that caused even moody Professor Snape to snicker whenever he heard it.

The ginger haired boy practically howled with laughter for hours when he came up with the name, even managing to annoy his twin brother Fred which caused him to throw a bunch of socks at George before he parroted the action and a full sock war burst out.

Hazel chuckled to herself as she remembered that day, it was when the three of them were having a sleepover at the Weasley's house just before their first year at Hogwarts during a Full Moon. A tradition that went on since Hazel was born; every Full Moon she would visit the Weasley's and stay round there for the night due to her father's lycanthropy. Something he always called a curse, and was over the moon with when finding out his daughter wasn't showing any wolf-like symptoms, well, apart from her strangely good sense of smell.

"Come on then, or we're going to be later, again," Remus said, glancing down at his watch before holding his arm out for his daughter.

"Coming, dad," Hazel replied before sending the man a smirk, "Or, should I say Professor," She chuckled to herself as Remus rolled his eyes playfully. The brunette girl placed her hand on top of her father's arm and shut her eyes tightly. Suddenly, a feeling of being squished and pushed washed over her and as soon as it came, it disappeared.

Hazel opened her right eye first and when she noticed that the pair were standing at Platform nine and three quarters she let her other eye open and sighed in relief, "I still hate that," The brunette mumbled, taking her hand off her dad's arm as she took a couple of deep breaths in to ease the nausea.

"I know, love," Remus said, smiling sympathetically to the fifteen year old girl, "But we would've been late otherwise."

Hazel nodded understandingly as Remus passed her, her suitcase, "You got everything?" He questioned causing Hazel to roll her eyes at him, especially since he had been asking her if she was packed and ready for school for the last three days, "Your wand? Parchment and Ink?"

Hazel's face suddenly fell, she began feeling her pockets, "My wand!" She exclaimed causing her father to panic. When she noticed his face, the brunette couldn't help but burst out into laughter, holding her stomach and doubling over, "I-I-I can't be-believe you fell f-for that a-again," She wheezed causing Remus to look down at her with an annoyed yet slightly amused expression.


Hazel nodded, wiping the tears that pooled in her eyes, "You know I had to," She shrugged and smiled innocently, "But, I've got everything, dad. You already asked yesterday," Hazel explained as she began calming down from her laughing fit, "And the day before that, and the day before that."

"I know, I know," Remus nodded, putting his hands up, "But you can never be too prepared. Now, why don't you go and find the twins and I'll see you later, yeah?"

"You sure?"

Remus nodded, "Of course, I'm sure it's not cool to sit with the Professors."

Hazel chuckled but nodded, "I'll see you later," She said, hugging her father for a brief second before she grabbed her suitcase and owl cage and began dragging them towards the crimson red train.

The brunette managed to load her baggage on before hopping into the train just as it began leaving the station. With a large sigh of relief, Hazel began to slowly walk through the train which was bustling with laughter and chatter than came from practically every compartment as friends caught up with each other about their summers.

Hazel spotted a familiar red head walking through the halls of the train, behind him a bushy haired girl and behind her a black haired boy with circular glasses. Smiling at the Golden Trio Hazel made her way over to them as they too, were looking for a place to sit. The trio greeted the brunette with large smiles and pleasantries when they noticed her before she smirked at Harry, "Heard about what you did to your aunt, Harry," She chuckled, "Gotta say, I'm impressed."

Hermione looked shocked, "You can't really be encouraging that behaviour, right?"

Ron turned to look at Hermione, "Of course she can, have you forgotten who she hangs out with?" He scoffed.

"Are you still angry about the spider situation?" Hazel questioned, sending the ginger haired boy a sympathetic smile whilst trying to hide her laughter.

"Yes, and it wasn't funny!" Ron exclaimed as Harry and Hermione shared confused looks.

"Okay, Ron, no need to turn the colour of your hair," Hazel replied calmly, placing her hand on Ron's shoulder as he flinched before relaxing when he spotted that it was just the girl's hand on his shoulder and nothing else, "Anyways, have you seen the twins anywhere?"

Ron shook his head but Hermione nodded, "They were back there," The bushy haired girl said, pointing behind the trio as Ron looked confused, "How do you know that?" He questioned, his voice laced with genuine confusion.

"I used my eyes to spot them," Hermione replied, looking genuinely surprised that Ron hadn't noticed the bright red hair of his older brothers.

"Maybe get some glasses, Ron," Hazel suggested as she began to manoeuvre past the trio of third years, "Thanks, Hermione," She called back with a polite smile before making her way towards a compartment filled to the brim with laughter and fireworks.

Little Wolf {George Weasley} ✓Where stories live. Discover now