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HAZEL LUPIN STARED AT HER reflection in the large body mirror. She felt like a princess in her royal blue dress. 

Merely the day prior, the brunette went to Hogsmeade with the girls and found the item of clothing.

The dress went down to her feet. It had a semi-sweetheart neckline and the dress puffed out slightly at the waist. She also wore some royal blue heels with little sparkly diamonds on them and a gorgeous sparkly necklace that really completed her outfit. Her brown locks were flowing freely down her shoulders in soft curls, and her make-up was subtle but gorgeous nevertheless.

"You look incredible!" Ginny squealed, clasping her hands over her mouth as Hazel finally stepped into view.

"Oh, my God, you really do!" Hermione exclaimed, swivelling around to face the brunette.

"Thank you," Hazel smiled sheepishly, she glanced down at her dress briefly, "You don't think it's too much?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Both Hermione and Ginny shook their heads violently, "Of course not!" They chorused.

"George is so going to faint," Ginny added, snickering quietly to herself.

Hazel blushed, "Thanks. You two look incredible as well," She complimented, taking in both of their dresses too.

Ginny wore a pretty green and pink dress with pink heels and half-up braided hair. She had some matching sparkly pink eyeshadow and lipgloss. 

Hermione wore something completely different, but still gorgeous nevertheless. It was a beautiful rose-coloured dress, her hair was sleek and shiny and twisted up into an elegant knot at the back of her head. Her make up was even more subtle than Hazel's; nude eyeshadow with shimmery lipgloss.

"Come on, we'll be late!" Ginny exclaimed, pulling the two girls along with her as she began to leave the dormitory. 

The halls of Hogwarts were practically abandoned, so the only sound echoing through them were the three sets of heels and giggling from the girls. When they finally reached the large staircase that was located just before the Great Hall, Ginny came to a halt; almost causing both Hermione and Hazel to bump into the back of her. 

"Why'd you stop?" Hermione questioned with a confused and slightly worried tone.

"We'll all walk down these alone," Ginny explained, pointing to the stairs with a wide grin on her face. She then went to explain how she had seen those kind of things in Muggle romantic movies, where the girl walks down the stairs in slow-motion as her date stared at her in awe. Hazel knew exactly which scene Ginny was talking about, she had watched enough sappy romantic films with Hermione. Seeing how the Yule Ball was the only dance that Hogwarts may have whilst the three girls were there, Hermione and Hazel both agreed to do it, letting Ginny go first.

Hazel watched as she gracefully descended down the stairs, meeting Neville at the bottom of them. The ginger haired girl glanced up, her smile was wide as she waved to Hermione; signalling her to go next.

Hermione smoothed out her dress and took a deep breath.

"You'll be okay, 'Mione," Hazel said encouragingly, placing her hand on the younger girl's shoulder and squeezing it slightly.

 Hermione nodded and let out a deep sigh before she stepped away from the wall and onto the top of the stairs. People glanced up as Hermione began descending down the stone stairs, her heels clicking on them as she walked. Hazel peaked her head out from around the wall and noticed the majority of the people looking up at Hermione.

The brunette smirked to herself as she noticed Ron's mouth drop, which then dropped even more when Hermione walked straight past him - not even acknowledging him - as she walked towards Viktor Krum.

Hazel took in a deep breath. It was her turn now. 

The brunette finally stepped out of the shadows and the comfort of the wall that covered her away from everyone else. She didn't even dare to glance up as she began to descent down the stairs, however, curiosity got the best of her and she finally did look up when she was about one third of the way down.

Everyone stared at her in awe. The sudden attention caused nerves to sit in her stomach, but they all seemed to disappear when her eyes landed on George. He was looking up at her in awe, his mouth agape and his eyes wide. She couldn't help but giggle quietly when she spotted Fred pushing George towards the bottom of the stairs; just in time for Hazel to reach him.

"Wow," George breathed out, his eyes glancing between the royal blue dress to Hazel's face, "Y-You look amazing."

Hazel could feel her cheeks getting warmer, "You don't look so bad yourself, Weasley," Hazel finally spoke up, her nude pink lips smirking as she fixed his bowtie.

"Wow," Lee commented as he and Fred walked up to the couple, "You can clean up well, Lupin."

Hazel rolled her eyes playfully at her friend whilst George began glaring at the boy.

"Come on, Lee, before George kills you," Fred laughed, he sent a wink at Hazel before he grabbed hold of Lee's arm and pulled him towards the Great Hall.

Hazel glanced back at George, she opened her mouth to speak when she was interrupted by McGonagall rushing over to the pair of them.

"There you are, Miss. Lupin."

"Here I am?" 

"Are you and Mr. Weasley ready?" McGonagall asked, glancing between the couple.

Hazel looked confused, "Ready for what?" She asked, glancing briefly at George who shared the confusion with her.

"To dance," McGonagall stated as if it was obvious, "It's tradition that the three champions, or in this case four, are the first to dance. Surely I told you that."

"Erm, no you didn't," Hazel replied, the nerves were slowly but surely coming back to her. She wasn't a dancer so dancing in front of the majority of the school and two new schools didn't seem like something she would like.

"Oh, well, you know now," McGonagall said casually, "Now, line up over there," She pointed to where Hermione and Viktor stood as well as Fleur and her date, before she rushed away.

"I still can't dance," Hazel whispered to George as they walked towards where McGonagall ordered them to.

George shrugged, a playful smirk on his face, "Neither can I."

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