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Harry didn't take any dance classes due to his broken arm so he stepped on the foot of his partner constantly. Hazel and George, well, they were another story. They had been there during the dance classes, but it was easy to see that neither one of them paid any attention during it. Instead of doing a slow, delicate dance that made you look like a pair of swans, the couple did the exact opposite. They would over exaggerated the lifts and dips. As amusing as it was for them - and most of the other students - they could feel McGonagall's glares on the back of their heads, so, as soon as the song was over, the couple rushed off the dance floor before the woman could confront them. 

Hazel had a wide grin plastered on her face as she awaited for George to come back with their drinks. During that time, she was finally able to take a proper look at the Great Hall and just how different it looked. The ceiling was charmed to have perfect snowflakes falling freely down from it, they melted halfway through the air as to not leave a wet floor. The room was an icy blue colour that made Hazel's royal blue dress stand out even more. There were glittery ice follicles above their heads and on the edges of tablecloths. Garlands of silver mistletoe and ivy crossed the snowy ceiling. The front of the Great Hall had a large, snowy Christmas tree standing proudly in the middle, with two smaller ones on each side. Even the walls and floor were made to look icy. It was simply beautiful.

That's exactly what George thought too; beautiful, however he hadn't even taken a good look at the Great Hall, and instead his eyes were locked on the brunette. His eyes finally snapped away from the back of her when Lee Jordan elbowed him.

"What are you doing staring at her for?" Lee questioned, an amused grin on his face, "Go over to her."

George nodded and finally his feet began moving. His hands filled with two glasses of punch that he was carefully trying not to spill as he practically sped walked to the brunette, "Here," He breathed out, passing one of the icy blue cups to Hazel.

She smiled warmly at him, "Thank you," She said, taking a sip of the punch. It took several seconds before she realised that George was staring at her. He hadn't even taken a sip of his own drink, "Are you okay, Georgie?"

George's lips widened, "I'm great," He breathed out, his chocolate brown eyes filled with adoration as he stared at the shorter girl, "You're just breathtaking."

Hazel felt her cheeks redden, she still wasn't used to the compliments she received from the ginger haired boy on an almost daily basis, "Well, you look very handsome as well," The brunette beamed, fixing George's bowtie slightly. 

George grinned at her. His eyes following her every move. Suddenly, the ginger haired boy placed his cup down on a nearby table, Hazel watched with a puzzled expression as he took her drink out of her grip and placed it besides his own. He then grabbed hold of her free hand and began to pull her towards the dance floor as a crowd of students formed near a small stage.

Hazel spotted The Weird Sisters as they began to play their instruments, causing the witches and wizards to cheer loudly. She laughed as George began spinning her around wildly, her brown locks flying around her head. His smile widened at the angelic sound of her laughter. As much as Hazel looked forward to seeing her dad and granddad that Christmas, she couldn't deny that she was having an incredibly fun time. 

By the end of the fourth song Hazel was exhausted, her ears were ringing and her feet ached as she and George walked away from crowd and towards the the almost empty tables. Her eyes spotted Ron and Harry as they sat alone, sulking. She glanced up at George before nodding towards the two younger boys. Rolling his eyes, George followed the brunette.

"What's gotten your panties in a twist, boys?" The smiley brunette asked causing the pair to jump in shock since they didn't even notice the couple making their way over.

"Nothing," Harry mumbled, melting deeper into his chair as he pulled the bowtie from around his neck.

"This is boring," Ron grumbled, his arms folded on his chest as he glared at everyone and everything in sight, "Why don't you two leave now?"

"Don't talk to her like that, Ronald," George ordered, his voice firm as he kept his gaze on his younger brother.

Ron didn't reply, he slouched further into his seat whilst Hazel placed her hand on George's chest, "It's okay, Georgie," She said softly, trying to calm him down, "Let's go, yeah?"

George's jaw tightened but he nodded and followed the brunette. Hazel squeezed his hand causing him to look at her and as soon as he noticed the smile painted on her face, he couldn't help as his lips widened and the anger towards his brother melted away.

The couple walked around the castle together, their hands intertwined and swinging. Hazel suddenly stopped, George watched carefully as she bend down to take her royal blue heels off, sighing in comfort when her feet collided with the ground.

The brunette stood back up, straightening her dress slightly when all of the sudden George scooped her up into his arms. She let out a surprised squeal before wrapping her arms around her boyfriend's neck, "Why'd you do that?" She asked as George began walking.

He shrugged, "Didn't want your feet to get cold, m'lady."

A laugh escaped Hazel's lips as she pressed a soft yet lingering kiss on George's cheek.

"I think you missed," He teased, his chocolate eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Hmm, no I don't think I did," Hazel teased back.

George raised an eyebrow, "Oh, really?" He challenged and before Hazel could reply George loosened the grip he held on her causing the brunette to feel like she was falling before he caught her again, laughing hysterically at her horrified expression.

"Why would you do that?" Hazel cried out, however, she couldn't help but let out a laugh at George's amused expression and when George pretended to drop her once again she hit his chest, "I'm never kissing you again," Hazel declared, playfully glaring at her laughing boyfriend.

When he heard that, his laughter stopped and he stared at the brunette, "You sure about that?" He asked, his voice low as he moved his face closer to hers. It was so close that Hazel could feel his breathing fanning over her face and she couldn't help herself when her eyes glanced down at George's lips.

"No," Hazel breathed out before she placed her lips on his. Tightening her arms around his neck as he brought her body closer to him; still holding her bridal style. 

The kiss was blissful. It felt like there was no one in the world apart from the two lovers. The light from the moon shone down on them through the many windows of the corridor as their lips stayed locked together. George gently set Hazel back down to her feet, wrapping his arms around her waist tightly as she stood up on her tip toes to reach his lips. 

Suddenly, water got dumped on both of them, causing them to pull away with shocked expressions. The sound of laughter filled their ears. The lovers shared an annoyed look, "Peeves!"

Little Wolf {George Weasley} ✓Where stories live. Discover now