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'COME SEEK US WHERE OUR voices sound,

We cannot sing above the ground,

And while you're searching, ponder this:

We've taken what you'll sorely miss,

An hour long you'll have to look,

But past an hour- the prospect's black,

Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.'

 Hazel reread the song. Her brain felt fried as she tried to figure out the actual task. Sure, she figured that it involved the Black Lake, but she couldn't get past that. However, she got further than Harry did, and secretly, he - Ron and Hermione too, of course - came to the brunette for help.

That's how she got roped into sitting in the quiet library with the Golden Trio and George. Books spewed out in front of them all as they tried to find the song anywhere. Suddenly, Hazel jumped out of her seat; scaring Ron as she did so. Without a word, she rushed away from her table and disappeared into a different aisle.

"Is she gonna come back?" Ron questioned, glancing over at George with a confused expression.

Before George could reply, Hazel had already rushed back to the table. Holding three large books in her arms. She slammed them down onto the desk, frightening Ron once again before her eyes landed on Harry, "You know how I said it'll probably be about the Black Lake?"

Harry hesitantly nodded.

"Well, it won't be on the Black Lake. It'll be in the Black Lake," The brunette explained, she flipped open the book at the top of her new pile, Harry couldn't spot the exact title but noticed it was by Newton Scamander, "The oldest recorded merpeople were known as sirens (Greece) and it is in warmer waters that we find the beautiful mermaids more frequently depicted in Muggle literature and painting. The selkies of Scotland and the Merrows of Ireland are less beautiful, but they share that love of music which is common to all merpeople."

"Mermaids?" Ron asked, his eyes wide, "I didn't know there were mermaids in the Black Lake."

"So what, you thought wizards, werewolves, basilisks, goblins, trolls, giant squids and unicorns - to name a few - exist, but merpeople don't?" George asked, glancing over at his brother, "Even I knew they exist."

 Ron's face reddened with anger, "Giant Squids? " He asked, a shocked look on his face, "You don't need to start making up creatures!"

Everyone's eyes turned to Ron. Hazel couldn't help but snort, sending George an amused look when he took couldn't hold in his laughter.

"What?" Ron asked, throwing his arms in the air with an exhausted look on his face.

"Out of all those creature, you don't think the Giant Squid is one?" Hermione pondered, looking tiredly at the ginger haired boy.

"Well, no," Ron stated, he glanced over at the spectacled boy, "You agree with me, right Harry?"

Harry's eyes widened, "Erm, well, Hagrid told me about it," He mumbled, causing George's laughter to get louder.

Ron's mouth opened in shock, "W-What?"

Hazel rolled her eyes playfully, "Anyways," She said, bringing the conversation back to what it should be on; since the second task was taking place the very next day, "They're going to take something of ours and we have to retrieve it."

"From the Black Lake?" Harry asked.

Hazel nodded, "From the Black Lake."

"What are they gonna take?" Ron asked, he still looked shocked from the previous conversation, but he looked more interested in the current one.

"That's not what they need to worry about!" Hermione exclaimed, staring at Ron with an irritated look, "They need to figure out how to breathe underwater for a full hour."

Hazel nodded, "Exactly," She said, closing Newton's book and placing it off to the side, "That's where this book comes in handy."

She was about to open the book when the sound of a cane suddenly appeared behind them. Everyone turned their heads in the direction of the sound. Looking over her shoulder, the brunette spotted Professor Moody coming their way, his glass eye looking around the library wildly. 

"Professor McGonagall wants to see Miss. Granger," He announced, his glass eye glancing over at the bushy haired girl for a second before it turned to Ron and George, "And both of the Weasleys."

Hazel furrowed her eyebrows and shared a confused look with George. Hermione collected up her books before she rushed out of the library, bidding a quick bye to Hazel and Harry as she left. Ron moved begrudgingly. George placed a quick kiss on Hazel's forehead, moving away as if he was burnt when Moody sent him a pointed look. He then too began making his way out of the library, shoving his younger brother on his way out.

"You two should get some sleep, the second challenge is tomorrow," Professor Moody stated, not moving from his spot; an action Hazel found strange. It took him few minutes before he finally turned away from the pair.

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