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HAZEL SAT ON GEORGE'S RIGHT hand side in the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. She fiddled with her quill as her dark eyes looked around the classroom, a puzzled expression on her face, "Is it just me or can you hear faint meowing ?" She finally asked, glancing at her boyfriend.

George raised an eyebrow as he looked confused, "What?"

"Meowing," The brunette repeated, "You know, like cats?"

George looked utterly puzzled, "I know what meowing is. But where would it be coming from?" He asked, sharing a weary look with Fred and Lee who were sat just behind the couple, they had heard Hazel's strange question and stopped talking to pay attention to the couple. The three boys shared strange looks as Hazel kept swivelling her head around the room, not being able to completely position where the sounds were coming from. If anything, they sounded as if they were all around her.

"Looks like she's finally gone crazy," Fred snickered.

"It was just a matter of time," Lee added, an amused grin painted across his face.

The brunette turned around to glare at her best friends, "I'm not crazy," She told them before her eyes widened when she spotted Professor Umbridge walking into the classroom, "For fucks sake," Hazel muttered under her breath as the pink woman's eyes landed on her.

"Good morning, children," Professor Umbridge greeted - rather passive aggressively in Hazel's eyes - as she began to walk to the front of the classroom. The students suddenly became silent, even Fred and Lee stopped snickering as Hazel and George turned to the front, their eyes watching the woman cautiously.

"Tut tut. That won't do now, will it?" Professor Umbridge said, a sickly sweet smile was etched on her face, "I would like you all to reply 'Good morning, Professor Umbridge.' One more time, please. Good morning class."

"Good morning, Professor Umbridge," Some of the seventh year students grumbled back at her.

Hazel rolled her eyes, "More like good morning, Professor Umbitch," She muttered.

George clearly heard her as he stifled his laughter, of course, earning a hard glare from the pink woman. 

"There now, that wasn't too difficult, was it?" She asked patronisingly. Hazel felt her jaw clenching, she really wasn't liking this woman at all, "Wands away now and quills out, please."

The students all shared confused looks between each other. The words 'wands away' had never been uttered in any Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons, even in the ones they had with that creepy Lockhart guy.

Little Wolf {George Weasley} ✓Where stories live. Discover now