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HAZEL WAS MORE THAN HAPPY to be back at Hogwarts. She had definitely missed her friends and was happy to finally be reunited with them. The brunette had a soft smile on her face as she spoke to Katie Bell and Alicia Spinnet, the trio of girls conversing about their holidays (of course Hazel left out everything about the Order) as well as how the fame of winning the Triwizard Tournament seemed to still be looming over Hazel; as much as she ignored it. 

George's hand was resting on his girlfriend's knee as he chatted away with Fred and Lee about the joke shop. The trio of boys seemed to be so immersed in their conversation, they almost didn't hear Dumbledore when the headmaster finally stood up to his podium, ready to greet the students.

"Good evening children," His booming voice said, causing the students to quieten down and finally look to the front, "Now, we have two changes in staffing this year. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubby-Plank, who'll be taking Care of Magical Creatures...while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave."

Hazel frowned, she shared a worried look with George. She definitely noticed the absence of her favourite Professor and Gamekeeper, but she assumed he was out feeding the Thestrals like he usually did, she certainly wasn't expecting him to be on a 'temporary leave'

"We also wish to welcome our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher," Dumbledore spoke up again, "Professor Dolores Umbridge. And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the Professor good luck. Now, as usual, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you all--"

"Hem hem."

Hazel's dark eyed shifted to the Professor's table. She spotted a woman she had never seen before - most likely Professor Umbridge - dressed head to toe in bright pink. The woman had cleared her throat loudly to gain Dumbledore's attention and when he turned around to look at her, she was quick to stand up and walk towards him; causing literally everyone to stare at her with confused looks.

"Psst," Hazel heard from her left. She glanced over and spotted Harry leaning over Katie to gain the brunette's attention, "She was at my hearing. She works for Fudge," He whispered, a worried expression on his face.

"Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome," A sickly sweet voice caused Hazel to swivel her head around back to the front of the hall, she bit her lip nervously as she looked at the pink woman, "And how lovely to see all your bright...happy faces smiling up to me," The brunette took a quick glance around the Great Hall and didn't even spot one student smiling; not even a first year, "I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends."

"That's likely," Fred and George scoffed, causing Professor Umbridge to send them a pointed look.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance," She spoke in a squeaky, ear-piercing voice, "Although, each Headmaster has brought something new to this historic school...progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserved what must be preserved. Perfect what must be perfected...and prune practises that ought to be prohibited," She giggled at the end of her interesting speech before walking back to her seat, extremely slowly; earning a glare from McGonagall, 

Hazel shared an annoyed look with her boyfriend before they spotted Dumbledore walking back to the podium, clearly rolling his eyes at the pink woman, "Thank you, Professor Umbridge. That was most illuminating."

"Illuminating?" Ron's voice filled Hazel's ears. She glanced to her left and spotted the ginger haired boy sitting on the other side of Alicia, "That was a load of waffle."

"What does it mean?" Harry asked, looking between his friends.

Hazel bit her lip as Harry's eyes landed on her, "It means the Ministry is now interfering at Hogwarts."


HAZEL FELT MORE THAN UNCOMFORTABLE when she sat with the twins and Lee in the common room. People kept sending her glares and dirty looks; something that confused her beyond belief.

"Dean, Seamus," Harry greeted, walking into the common room alone, "Good holiday?" He asked the pair. 

"Alright," Dean shrugged, Hazel noticed the boy didn't make eye contact with the spectacled boy, "Better than Seamus', anyways."

Hazel watched as Seamus threw his copy of the Daily Prophet down onto the table in front of him and stood up, an annoyed look on his face as he glanced violently between Harry and Hazel, "Me mam didn't want me to come back this year."

"Why not?" Harry questioned, tilting his head.

Seamus laughed sarcastically, "Erm...let me think," He placed his hand on his chin as he pretended to think, "Because of you two!" He exclaimed, catching the attention of the Gryffindor students around them all as he pointed at Hazel and Harry, "The Daily Prophet 's been saying a lot of things about the both of you and Dumbledore, of course."

Hazel gulped nervously before standing up from the couch, "And your mum believes that?" She asked, a sudden feeling of anger rushing through her veins. She didn't encounter a Unforgivable Curse for stupid journalists to make her seem like an attention seeker.

"Nobody was there the day you supposedly got hit by an Unforgivable Curse," Seamus spat.

"Oh, well I guess you should read the Prophet, then, like your stupid mother," Harry hissed angrily.

"Don't you dare talk about my mother like that!"

"I'll have a go at anyone that calls me a liar!" Harry exclaimed, "That calls us liars." 

Hazel noticed how angry Harry was becoming and she rushed over to his side, to make sure he wouldn't do anything he regretted later.

"What's going on?" Ron's voice suddenly appeared as he and Hermione entered the common room. They sensed the angry tension almost down the hall and knew instantly that something had happened.

"They're mad!" Seamus yelled, pointing his finger at Harry and Hazel, his eyes full of fury. He looked at Ron in disbelief, "Do you believe the rubbish they're coming out with about You-Know-Who?!" 

"Don't call her that!" George suddenly yelled, shooting up from his seat to loom over Seamus. 

The Irish boy seemed to back away slightly at the sudden angry look on George's face. No one had ever seen either of the Weasley twins looking angry and it seemed to surprise Seamus.

Hazel moved away from Harry and walked back to George. She softly placed her hand on her boyfriend's arm to calm him down. She didn't need him getting into a fight. As she did so, Harry scoffed loudly and turned around, storming up to his dorm room leaving an awkward and angry silence looming over the common room.

The brunette let her hand travel down George's arm, when her fingers met his she was quick to interlock them, squeezing tightly onto his palm. He finally looked away from Seamus. Hazel sent him a small smile, one that showed him she appreciated him for standing up for her the way he did.

"My gran says it's the Daily Prophet that's rubbish," Neville Longbottom suddenly spoke up softly, he looked at Hazel as he spoke, sending her a shy smile, "She's cancelled our subscription."

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