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IT HAD BEEN OVER TWO years since the second wizarding world. Every year that passed, Hazel and George Weasley always visited the graveyard. Molly and Arthur agreed to watch over Cassiopeia and Teddy; since both two year olds were being extra fussy that morning, and the couple didn't really want to bring them to a depressing graveyard on the busiest day of the year.

Hazel and George walked hand in hand. George kept a basket full of freshly picked flowers in his free hand whilst Hazel kept her other hand on her growing belly. Even though it had been two years, the pain still felt fresh, especially on the anniversary of their deaths. 

Neither of the couple said anything, they never needed to, they just needed to hold onto each other, making sure they both know that they're still there. 

They walked over to Percy's grave first. George knelt down whilst Hazel stayed upright; knowing that if she got down on her knees it would take her far too long to get back up. She felt the baby moving slightly again; something he or she had been doing practically all morning, and she placed her other hand on top of the belly as she watched George place some of the yellow flowers Teddy and Cassiopeia picked out that morning.

The married couple stayed there for several minutes. Their eyes glued to the gravestone which displayed a small photo of Percy, one that was taken at the Ministry when he first got the job there, his grin wide and his eyes full of life. Even though the brunette wasn't as close to him as she was to the other Weasleys, he was still her family and she still missed him dearly. Especially when she thought of her and George's children growing up never having met one of their uncles.

After several more minutes, the ginger haired man finally stood back up, his hand instinctively grabbing his wife's as they walked further into the graveyard, smiling sadly at other families that had come there to morn their loved one.

Hazel felt a large lump in her throat when she spotted Remus and Tonks' graves. They were right next to one another, their photos almost looked as if they were looking right at one other. She let George kneel down once again and place some white flowers onto Remus' grave and some purple ones onto Tonks' before he stood back up, wrapping his arm securely around his wife's waist.

Hazel felt a fresh tear slither down her cheek as her eyes stayed glued on the graves. She missed her dad and step-mum dearly, and there wasn't a day that she didn't think about them, especially with little Tonks running around, his hair changing constantly as his metamorphmagus powers still being untamed.

The couple stood there for almost seven minutes in silence. George kept his arms wrapped around Hazel, his hand stroking her back softly as she kept her head resting against his chest. When they finally moved away from one another and began walking back out of the graveyard something suddenly caught Hazel's attention.

"Wait, what's that?" She asked softly.

George turned to look at her and instantly noticed her looking off at a pair of gravestones not too far from them. Before he could say or ask anything, Hazel pulled her hand out of his as she carefully walked over to them, gasping when she noticed the names on each stone. 

"Is that her?" George questioned as he caught up to his wife. His eyes spotted the names of the deceased on the gravestones. However, what was different about the two gravestones was the fact that it didn't say 'Here lies...' instead it said 'In memory of...'.

Hazel nodded as her eyes stayed glued on the photograph of her mum. She looked so young and beautiful. Her long, black as night hair fell softly past her shoulders, it held a slight bounce to it with small beach waves. Her piercing blue eyes seemed to be staring right into Hazel's soul. Her plump lips were up in a small half-smirk, she looked completely and utterly beautiful.

"That's her," Hazel breathed out, she couldn't help herself as she got down to her knees, her hand tenderly touching the photo. She had only even seen a couple of photos of the woman, after the war Hazel decided it was time for her to find out more about her mum, she found an old photo album at Grimmauld Place one that finally helped her put a face to a name. 

George didn't say anything as he knelt down besides his wife, he took his wand from his jacket pocket. Hazel watched him with a puzzled expression, before a soft smile appeared on her face when George pointed to Cassiopeia's gravestone and a bunch of red flowers appeared right in front of them. The brunette felt her dark eyes welling up as George did the same procedure over on Regulus' gravestone.

When George pocketed his wand, Hazel was quick to grab his hand, sending her husband a grateful smile.

AN- So, I don't really have plans on making a one-shot spinoff with this book like I did with Black Rose, but I just got this idea for a scene today and really wanted to write it and share it with you as an additional one. They're may be more to come or there might not be, it all kind of depends if something inspires one out of me if you get my gist? Anyways, thank you for the continuous support and I hope you liked this scene 💖

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