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THE GROUP ARRIVED AT THE Ministry of Magic by Thestrals. However, it was quite the task getting the majority of the group - apart from Luna - onto the creatures, since they were invisible. Hazel kind of wished she didn't sent her broomstick off to her dad when she was flying through the air, holding onto an invisible creature that apparently had wings. 

"That's it," Harry confirmed as he pointed to the only door on the lowest level in the building, "That's the door I've been seeing"

When the group finally walked through it, they were met with rows upon rows of what looked like snowballs. In reality, they were Prophecies. All of them different sizes but all of them completely covered in cobwebs. Hazel kept her wand up; using it as a torch just like everyone else as Harry led them through the aisle. 

"Where is he?" Ron questioned, looking around with a confused look on his face.

Hazel's eyes snapped from one side of the room to the other, all she could see were the shining Prophecies lined up on the shelves. However, there was no one else in there apart from them.

"Ninety-five," Harry mumbled, his head moving from side to side as he looked nervous, "He should be here."

"Harry," Neville called out softly, he wasn't looking at the spectacled boy and instead his eyes were locked on one particular Prophecy, "It's got your name on it."

Hazel gulped nervously as she watched Harry rush over to Neville's side. The brunette could see the look of pure worry etched upon his face as he reached his hand out, the Prophecy fit perfectly in his palm as he took it off the shelf, inspecting it intently, it almost looked as if he was seeing something in it, however, to everyone else it simply looked like white mist floating around in a glass ball.

"Harry!" Ginny's voice broke Harry's concentration on the Prophecy. 

Hazel looked over her shoulder at the ginger haired girl, her dark eyes widening in fear when she noticed a Death Eater standing merely a few feet away from them, their face covered by a black mask.

Harry pushed to the front, the Prophecy grasped tightly in his left hand and his wand in his right, "Where's Sirius?"

"You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams..." The masked figure spoke in a strangely familiar voice, "...And reality," As soon as he stopped talking he waved the mask off his face. There, standing right in front of these teenagers, was Lucius Malfoy, "You saw what the Dark Lord wanted you to see," The blonde man stated as he stepped forwards, "Now hand me the Prophecy."

"If you do anything to us, I'll break it," Harry threatened.

A loud cackle suddenly came from behind Lucius. A cackle that seemed to turn Hazel's blood to ice as her stomach flipped. 

Little Wolf {George Weasley} ✓Where stories live. Discover now