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Remus sent him a comforting smile, "That's okay, George. Instead, then, think of something amusing," Professor Lupin instructed.

Hazel watched carefully as George nodded.

Professor Lupin walked away from the ginger haired boy back towards the wardrobe, "Are you ready?" He questioned.

George nodded his head. His right hand was gripping tightly onto his wand, almost causing him knuckles to turn a white colour. He visibly gulped as his eyes were glued on Remus unlocking the wardrobe, trying not to move too quick as to confuse the Boggart.

A black shadow emerged out of the wardrobe, merging together when it was close enough to spot his target. Before Hazel could even blink, her own and Fred's reflections appeared right in front of George, causing a few students to turn their heads towards the real two, probably checking to see if it was some sort of elaborate prank.

But it wasn't. 

It didn't even look like a prank when the Boggart that took the shape of Hazel and Fred fell on the ground. A large pool of blood suddenly surrounding it. Hazel finally tore her eyes away from the bloodied scene and looked towards George. Her heart felt like it was breaking when she noticed his expression as tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

His eyes were swimming in fresh tears, looking as if they were super glued on the two bloody figures. His body shook uncontrollably causing Remus to move closer to the clearly distressed boy, "George, it's okay. It's just a Boggart. You remember the spell, right?"

Hazel barely noticed George nodding, but he did, and with a deep inhale he gripped firmly his wand and in a shaky voice said, "R-R-Riddikulus! "

The blood completely disappeared as the two lifeless bodies were now standing upright, both wearing wide grins on their faces as the sound of laughter filled the quiet room. Hazel watched as her father approached George, placing his hand on the boy's shoulder and whispering something in his ear before the both of them smiled at one another and George walked away to a quiet corner of the classroom.

"Well done, George," Professor Lupin clapped his hands once before looking back at the classroom, "Now, form a line everybody," He instructed. 

There was a bit of hesitance in the students, until Alicia Spinnet finally walked over to the front, the rest of the students quickly lining up behind her. Well, apart from both Fred and Hazel, who were still stuck in their spots.

Snapping herself out of her thoughts, Hazel finally glanced over to where George was standing; his back against the wall as he looked at the front of the classroom, clearly deep in thought. Without a second thought, the brunette crossed the classroom to reach him and when he noticed her approaching he quickly straightened up.

Without saying anything, Hazel threw her arms around George's shoulders, brining the ginger haired boy into a tight hug; that he so clearly needed. She had to stand up high on her tip-toes but she didn't care, she needed to let him know that it was all okay. She practically melted into his arms as her head fitted perfectly in the crook of his neck, her brown eyes closing as to not let any of the tears fall out.

George could feel his cheeks heating up as he wrapped his arms around Hazel's waist; momentarily forgetting about his Boggart. He deeply enjoyed the feeling of her in his arms, as the smell of her apple shampoo wafted into his nostrils. Taking a quick glance over her shoulder, he spotted his twin standing not too far, a teasing smirk on his face, but George didn't care. In that moment he didn't care if people found out about his feelings for the brunette Gryffindor, his Boggart showed him that he needed to keep the ones he loved close to him, and that's exactly what he was going to do.  

Little Wolf {George Weasley} ✓Where stories live. Discover now