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"BLIMEY, DAD, HOW HIGH ARE we?" Ron asked as he looked around in amazement.

Hazel didn't even know the answer to that, but she definitely knew they were very high and she was not the biggest fan of heights. 

"Well...put it this way," An obnoxious voice called out from below them. Hazel cringed as she recognised the voice and glared down at Lucius Malfoy, "If it rains...you'll be the first to know."

"Father and I are in the Minister's box," Draco boasted puffing his chest out, "By person invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself."

Lucius hit Draco's chest with his walking stick causing the twins and Hazel to snicker at the expression that appeared on Draco's face.

"Don't boast, Draco, there's no need with these people," Lucius hissed, he turned back to the Weasley's, Hazel, Harry and Hermione, "Do enjoy yourself, won't you?" His eyes flicked between the teens, "Whilst you still can."

Hazel squinted her eyes. Glaring daggers at the blonde haired man as he waltzed away, his head held high as if he just accomplished something. She pulled her eyes away from him and followed the Weasley's up the stairs. Still not being anywhere near their seats.

When they finally arrived at their seats, Hazel couldn't help but feel nervous. They were at the very top of the Quidditch Stadium which must've been hundreds of feet up. It was strange how nervous heights made the brunette, especially since she loved playing Quidditch and the heights never bothered her during that.

"I told you these seats would be worth waiting for," Mr. Weasley beamed as everyone found their seats and sat down, looking out at the field and waiting for the two teams to come out. Hazel tugged her green and white scarf tighter around her neck as her eyes scanned the stadium. The echoing noise of cheers penetrating her ears.

The sound of cheering magnified when the two Quidditch teams; The Irish and Bulgarians flew out onto the pitch. One voice stood out from the rest causing Hazel to snicker, "I think Ron's in love with Krum," She said, leaning closer to George so that he could hear her.

The ginger haired boy laughed at the statement, turning his head to the side as they watched Ron shouting the Seeker's name over and over again.

"Good evening!" The Minister of Magic greeted, his voice booming loudly through the packed stadium, "As Minister of Magic it gives me great pleasure...to welcome each and everyone of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup!" He bellowed, his wand pressed against his throat, letting his voice traveled round the stadium without any issues, "Let the match...begin!"


"THERE'S NO ONE LIKE KRUM," Ron said dreamily. 

He seemed to be in an excellent mood even though the team he was supporting - Bulgarians - lost. Krum did manage to catch the Snitch, however, even that didn't bring them closer to beating the Irish. 

"Krum?" George asked, his eyes locking onto Ron, "Dumb Krum?"

"He's like a bird," Ron added, standing on top of the table in the tent, "The way he rides the wind. He's more than an athlete."

Hazel watched from the couch. Laughing to herself at the look on Ron's face; he practically had heart eyes for this Seeker. Even Charlie and Bill seemed amused by it.

"Dumb Krum," George repeated as he and Fred circled their younger brother. 

"He's an artist," Ron said.

"I think you're in love, Ron," Ginny commented as she walked past, her voice laced with amusement.

Ron seemed to turn the same shade of red as his hair, "Shut up," He muttered, glaring at Ginny.

"Viktor, I love you...." George suddenly began singing.

"Viktor, I do..." Fred contributed.

"When we're apart, my heart beats only for you," The twins and Harry finished as they circled a blushing Ron, who pushed them away before storming off to his room.

"Sounds like the Irish have their pride on," Bill commented as a loud noise echoed through the tent. It definitely came from the outside and Hazel didn't even blame them, they should celebrate such a big achievement.

However, when Mr. Weasley came running into the tent, a panicked look on his face Hazel's blood turned cold, "Stop! Stop! It's not the Irish. We've got to get out of here. Now!"

Hazel didn't need to be told twice. She jumped from her seat on the couch and rushed into the room she shared with Hermione and Ginny. The three girls all scrambled to grab their bags filled with their belongings before rushing outside as the boys did the same.

"Get out! It's the Death Eaters! Get back to the Portkey everybody and stick together!"

When the group ran out to the entrance of their tent, the sounds of screaming filled their ears. Hazel's eyes widened in shock when she spotted a large group of Death Eaters walking through the camp, using their wands to fold a few people up in the air. Dangling them like food for a crocodile.

"Fred, George, Charlie! Ginny is your responsibility!" Mr. Weasley bellowed, "Bill you go with Hazel. Harry, Hermione, Ron you stick with me! Come on!"

Little Wolf {George Weasley} ✓Where stories live. Discover now