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BEFORE HAZEL KNEW IT, CHRISTMAS was already nearing and Mrs. Weasley decided to host it at the Burrow. Inviting all of the close family, which of course included the Lupins, Tonks and Harry. Hermione was also invited but the bushy haired girl was already going on a skiing trip with her parents and couldn't make it, but she stopped by and dropped off her presents.

Hazel was in the kitchen with Harry and Ron, the two boys were peeling and chopping a mountain full of potatoes for Mrs. Weasley, the brunette helped with peeling the rest of the vegetables (cheating by using her wand).

"So, Snape was offering to help him?" Ron questioned for what felt like the millionth time, causing Harry to groan in annoyance whilst Hazel rolled her eyes, "He was definitely offering to help him?"

Harry looked at his best friend, "If you ask that once more, I'm going to stick this potato--"

"I'm only checking!" Ron exclaimed, lifting his hands in the air.

"He said he'd promised Malfoy's mother to protect him," Harry sighed, "That he'd made an Unbreakable Oath or something--"

"An Unbreakable Oath?" Hazel asked, her eyes wide as she looked at Harry with a shocked expression. Harry had informed her about Snape protecting Draco Malfoy from carrying out a task set out by Voldemort himself, but she definitely didn't think it was so serious.

"He can't have," Ron mumbled, he looked just as shocked as the brunette, "An Unbreakable Oath? Are you sure?"

Harry nodded," Yeah, I'm sure," He said confidently, his eyes looking between Hazel and Ron, "Why, what does it mean?"

Hazel shared a look with Ron, the ginger haired boy scratched the back of his neck, "Well, you can't break an Unbreakable Oath..."

Harry snorted, "I'd worked that much out for myself, funnily enough," He commented, "What happens when you break it?" He asked, his question clearly directed to Hazel as he knew that the brunette would tell him more clearly than Ron.

"You die," She said sincerely, her fingers nervously fiddling with her engagement ring.

Ron nodded, "Fred and George once tried to get me to make one when I was about five," He said with a reminiscent gleam in his eyes, "I nearly did, too, I was holding hands with Fred and everything when dad found us. He went absolutely mental. Only time I've ever seen dad as angry as mum. Fred reckons his left buttocks has never been the same."

Hazel snorted at the story as Harry laughed, "Yeah, well, passing over Fred's left buttocks--"

"I beg your pardon?" Fred's voice interrupted Harry's statement. Hazel glanced over her shoulder and smiled when she spotted the twins entering the kitchen, confused expressions painted on their faces, "Aaah, George, look at this. They're using knives and everything. Bless them."

Hazel chuckled as George strolled over to her, an amused grin appearing on his face. He placed a quick kiss on his fiancé's head as Ron folded his arms and glared at Fred.

"I'll be seventeen in two and a bit months time," Ron said grumpily, "And then I'll be able to do it by magic."

"Yeah, but you'll still need someone looking after you," Fred snorted, "Like what Hazel is doing now."

The brunette female snorted as she took a seat at the kitchen table, Fred joined her as George walked around the table to pass Harry and Ron, "Meanwhile, we can enjoy watching you demonstrate the correct use of a - whoops a daisy -."

"You made me do that!" Ron yelled angrily, he threw the knife down into the sink and grabbed a spare rag, placing it over the cut on his thumb whilst George laughed and joined Hazel and Fred at the table, "You wait, when I'm seventeen--"

"I'm sure you'll dazzle us all with hitherto unsuspected magical skills," Fred commented sarcastically as he leaned back in his chair, sending Ron an amused grin. 

"And speaking of hitherto unsuspected skills, Ronald," George said, throwing his arm around Hazel, "What is this we hear from Ginny about you and a young lady called - unless our information is faulty - Lavender Brown?"

Hazel raised her eyebrow as everyone turned their attention towards Ron, he looked down at his feet as his cheeks burned a bright red colour, "Mind your own business," He grumbled.

"What a snappy retort," Fred commented cheekily, "I really don't know how you think of them. No, what we wanted to know was...How did it happen?"

"What do you mean?" Ron questioned looking up at his brother.

"Did she have an accident or something?"

Hazel almost choked on her own spit due to Fred's question.

"What?" The youngest ginger haired boy asked.

"Well, how do you sustain such extensive brain damage?" Fred snorted before suddenly yelling, "Careful now!" As Ron chucked a knife towards him the moment Mrs. Weasley decided to enter the kitchen.

Hazel moved away from the table as to not get stabbed by the flying knife. But before it could collide with either of the three, Fred turned it into a paper aeroplane with a quick flick of his wand.

"Ronald!" Mrs. Weasley yelled furiously, "Don't you ever let me see you throwing knives again!"

"I won't..." Ron said, "...Let you see," He muttered quietly under his breath as he turned back around to the large pile of potatoes. The twins, Hazel and even Harry heard his little comment and all of them snickered under their breaths as Mrs. Weasley looked oblivious. 

"Fred, George, I'm sorry, dears, but Remus and Lyall are arriving tonight, so Bill will have to squeeze in with you two," She explained.

"No problem," The twins said simultaneously.

"Then, as Charlie isn't coming home, that just leaves Harry and Ron in the attic, and if Fleur shared with Hazel and Ginny--"

"Ginny will be happy about that," Hazel muttered sarcastically.

"--everyone should be comfortable. Well, they'll have a bed at least."

"Percy definitely not showing his ugly face then?" Fred asked.

Hazel noticed how Mrs. Weasley turned her head away as she answered, "No, he's busy. I expect, at the Ministry."

"Or he's the world's biggest prat. One of the two," George shrugged casually as Mrs. Weasley turned on her heels and rushed back out of the kitchen, "Well, let's get going then, Fred, Hazel?"

"Where are you three off to?" Ron questioned as he turned back to the trio, watching them stand up simultaneously, "Can't you help with these potatoes?"

George pretend to think, rubbing his chin, "Hmm, no I don't think so," He said as Hazel connected their hands, an amused grin on her face.

"Exactly," Fred nodded, sending his youngest brother a cheeky smile, "Plus, it's very character-building stuff, learning to peel potatoes without magic, makes you appreciate how difficult it is for Muggles and Squibs."

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