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The brunette sat besides the window in the girl's dormitories. Her eyes glued to the bright Full Moon that hovered above the castle. The sound of the rain colliding with the glass caused her to feel tired, but she couldn't forget about what her father was going through at that very moment and it saddened her. Of course, she never treated him differently. Hazel loved her father dearly, but she still felt sad that he had to go through this. He had to go through with something that wasn't his fault, something that made him feel like a monster.

The brunette had stopped off by his office earlier. She left a large box of chocolates she stole from Fred on Remus' desk, hoping that they would make him feel better once the Moon has passed. She also left him a note, instructing him to get plenty of rest the following day and to not come to the Quidditch game; as important as the game was to Oliver, it wasn't anywhere near as important to Hazel, especially not more important than her own father's wellbeing.

Morning came quickly. However it was still extremely dark and it seemed like the rain wasn't going to stop. Hazel was quick to change into her scarlet robes and she was even the first person down in the Great Hall besides McGonagall and Flitch. After about an hour of sitting alone, the Hall began to fill up with students.

"Why are you already in here?" Oliver interrogated as he ran into the Great Hall, Fred and George following him with tired looks on their faces.

"Couldn't sleep," Hazel replied before closing her mouth tightly. She was so tired she forgot who it was that asked her, "Oops."

"Are you kidding me?" Oliver screeched, scaring a few students and even Professors, "How are you going to play whilst being tired?"

"I didn't mean I couldn't sleep, I mean I did sleep but I felt like I couldn't, you know?" Hazel babbled on.


"Oh. Well, I'm not tired Ollie, I'm going to play well, calm down."

"Calm down, calm down," The captain muttered angrily, walking away from the brunette and over towards Harry; who had literally just crossed into the Great Hall.

"Well done, little wolf," Fred said as he took a seat opposite the girl.

"Yeah, you managed to give him a heart attack before eight in the morning," George snorted, "Now that's what I call an achievement."


THE WIND WAS SO STRONG that the Gryffindor Quidditch team staggered sideways as they walked onto the pitch. The crowds were cheering loudly, but the rolls of thunder were much louder. Hazel could feel her ponytail sticking to the back of her neck from the rain and truthfully she hated it, especially since they had only just reached the pitch and she was already soaked through.

The Hufflepuffs were approaching from the opposite side of the pitch, sporting their canary-yellow robes. The two captains walked towards one another as Madam Hooch instructed. As they shook hands, Diggory seemed to smile at Wood however the Gryffindor Captain kept his jaw clenched and his face hard.

"Mount your brooms," Madam Hooch shouted over the whistling wind.

Hazel wiped some of her stray hairs out of her face as she mounted her Nimbus Two Thousand. She awaited the sound of Madam Hooch's whistle and once she barely heard the shrill sound over the wind, she rose up incredibly fast.

Within five minutes of the game, Hazel Lupin had scored the first goal. As wet and cold as she was, the brunette seemly didn't mind anymore. She kept her head in the game, trying to distract herself from her wet robes which felt like they were superglued onto her limbs.

After a good half an hour of trying to navigate through the harsh wind and rain, Madam Hooch blew her whistle once again. Hazel shared a confused look with Fred; who was closest to her, before the pair spotted Oliver gesturing for his team to come back down.

"I called for a time out," Oliver explained, shouting over the wind as he gathered his team together, "Come on, under here."

The team huddled up at the edge of the pitch under a large umbrella. Hazel jumped from one foot to the other, trying to keep warm as a freezing gush of wind flew past them. 

"What's the score?" Harry asked as he took off his circular glasses and tried to clear them off the water.

"We're sixty points up," Oliver informed, "But unless we get the Snitch soon, we'll be playing well into the evening, possibly even night."

"I've got no chance with these on," Harry huffed, waving his glasses around.

"Pass them over," Hazel said, walking over to the younger boy. Harry did as she instructed. The whole team watched intently as Hazel grabbed her wand from the inside pocket of her robe and pointed it at the spectacles, "Impervius," She uttered the spell before handing the glasses back to their owner, a polite smile on her face, "There, they'll repel water."

Harry gently took the glasses back and placed them on his face, his lips widening in an appreciative smile as water seemed to deter from his eyes, "Thank you," He breathed out, sending a large smile her way.

"Brilliant," Oliver clapped his hands, his eyes lighting up as he pulled Hazel into his arms, he placed a large kiss on her cheek, his own cheeks looking like they'd split at any given second from how wide he was smiling, "You're absolutely brilliant, Lupin, have I ever mentioned that? Anyway, let's go team."

Hazel wiped her cheek as she chuckled causing George's stomach to suddenly start aching as his jaw clenched. 

Both teams flew back into the air. Madam Hooch's whistle sounded through the grounds and they resumed the game. It was looking good for the lions, they had managed to score another forty points, brining them way ahead of the badgers. Hazel squinted, she tried spotting the Quaffle but couldn't pin-point it as the rain somehow got harder, it felt like each drop was a tiny knife, cutting away at the exposed skin of her fingers and face.

As she was looking up, worried when she heard the sound of the cracking thunder that's when she spotted it. Well, spotted him. Harry was free falling out of the grey clouds at a dangerously high speed. She sped towards him, both twins just in front of her as they all tried to catch the younger boy. However, they were too slow. Harry barely missed them and was heading down to the ground faster than ever.

Luckily, before the thirteen year old boy collided with the hard, wet ground, Dumbledore stood up, his hand out and his gaze focused purely on the boy, "Aresto Momentum."

Little Wolf {George Weasley} ✓Where stories live. Discover now