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HAZEL STARED AT HER OWN reflection in the full-body mirror. The day that she had been waiting forever has finally come. She was finally going to marry the love of her life, and what better place to do it than the place where they first met? 

Her fingers danced across the skirt of the dress, it wasn't anything too fancy, just a white dress that fell down to her feet, it slightly puffed out at her waist. The sweetheart neckline was covered in a thin layer of white lace. It was the most perfect dress. And what was even better was the fact that Mrs. Weasley helped finish it off. Hazel had bought a simple white dress at first, and the woman willingly did the lace pattern. 

Luckily for Hazel and George, Fleur's dream of a double wedding didn't sit well with everyone else, and it was decided that she and Bill would get married a few weeks later; to make sure each couple had their own happy day that they would remember forever.

A small knock on the other side of the door grabbed her attention, "Who is it?" She asked nervously, hoping that it wasn't George on the other side.

"It's me," Remus' voice sounded muffled through the door but Hazel instantly recognised it.

"Come in."

Remus opened the door and slowly walked in. His eyes instantly locked on his daughter and a wide grin appeared on his face. Tears of happiness stung his eyes as he walked over to her.

"What do you think?" She asked nervously, twirling around in the dress. Something she would always do whenever she bought a new outfit.

Memories of his daughter twirling around when she was young flashed through Remus' brain as a tear finally rolled down his cheek, "Beautiful," He whispered causing Hazel to beam at him. 

"You know that I'm going to start crying if you don't stop, right?"

Remus chuckled as he wiped the stray tear from his cheek, "We can't have that now, can we," Hazel chuckled as she shook her head, "You ready?" He asked.

Hazel took a deep breath as a sudden rush of anxiety seeped through her veins, "I think so," She breathed out, her palms becoming clammy.

George stood at the top of the aisle under the gazebo. He wore the best tux he could get his hands on, hoping that it would take the attention away from the large bandage that was wrapped around his head. He took a deep inhale as he fiddled with the ends of his sleeves nervously. 

"Let's hope she hasn't changed her mind, eh?" Fred snickered, patting his twin's shoulder.

George's face fell as he glanced over his shoulder, glaring daggers at Fred, "That's not helping, Fred."

Little Wolf {George Weasley} ✓Where stories live. Discover now