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IT WAS A FEW HOURS after the whole Death Eaters incident and the birth of the newest member of the Lupin family. Tonks had fallen asleep not long after, whilst Remus stayed by her side, stroking his wife's hair soothingly, practically falling asleep himself.

Mrs. Weasley was still sat in the kitchen, awaiting any news from The Golden Trio who apparated from the wedding as soon as everything turned to shit.

Little Teddy Lupin was sleeping peacefully in Hazel's arms. The brunette was looking down at him softly, a small, yet genuine, smile graced her face as she held the baby boy as gently as she could. She heard a pair of footsteps behind her, when she glanced over her shoulder her grin widened, "Hey," She breathed out, watching as George walked over to the side of the armchair she was occupying.

"Hi," He smiled warmly at his wife before he sat on the armrest, his arm going over the back of the chair as he looked down at the sleeping baby. He watched as Hazel touched the baby boy's hand, his fingers instantly wrapping around her pointer finger. George could feel his heart melting at the scene, especially when Hazel looked up at him, happy tears in her eyes, "What's his name?" He asked quietly, not wanting to wake up the baby or his parents.

"Teddy," Hazel breathed out, she bit her lip as her eyes scanned her baby brother's face. A strange feeling suddenly settled in her stomach, "I know now isn't the time to talk about this..." She began, her voice was barely above a whisper so George moved his head down to hear better, "...With the war and everything, but do you ever want kids?" She asked, not daring to look him in the eyes, instead she kept her eyes on the small duffle of blue hair on the baby's head.

George nodded, however due Hazel not looking at him she didn't spot it, instead she watched his hand come into view, the wedding band glistening from the light from a nearby lamp as he softly reached out, touching Teddy's hair ever so slightly, "Of course," He breathed out.

"Really?" Hazel asked, cursing at herself for how hopeful she sounded.

"Yeah, imagine it..." George said, tightening the arm around her shoulders as she subconsciously laid her head on his shoulder, "...Three mini you running around the house, a small cottage in the countryside, a dog or two."

Hazel felt her heart racing as a soft smiled graced her features, glancing up she saw George looking off into the distance, a wide grin in his eyes as he thought about their future together, "Seems like you've got everything planned out then," She spoke softly.

George glanced down at her, "Yeah, unless that's not what you want, then in that case--"

"I want that," The brunette cut him off, "It sounds perfect."

George smiled however he noticed a strange look in her eyes, "What's wrong?"

Hazel shrugged, she let her eyes fall back onto Teddy, "I...It's stupid."

"If it's bothering you then it's not stupid," The ginger haired man stated, he slid off the armrest of the chair and knelt down in front of his wife, his hands resting on her knees.

"I'm just scared..." She admitted timidly, "What if...What if I'm not a good mum?"

Before George could reply Teddy suddenly woke up with a cry. Instantly Hazel jumped up off the armchair, holding the baby tighter to her body as she began to bounce him softly, cooing at him and hoping he wasn't hungry as his parents were still fast asleep. It only took several seconds before the baby finally calmed down, he grabbed hold of Hazel's finger once again before letting his eyes close, his cries dying out.

The brunette didn't hear George as he walked up behind her until his hands rested on her waist and his chin was propped up on her shoulder. A wide grin was etched upon his face as he glanced down at the baby in Hazel's arms. They stayed in that position for several seconds before George finally moved his head, kissing the brunette's cheek tenderly as he whispered, "You'll be the greatest mum in the world, my love."

Little Wolf {George Weasley} ✓Where stories live. Discover now