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AS SOON AS HAZEL'S FEET touched the ground, she felt completely and utterly confused. They hadn't ended up back in front of the maze like they were suppose to. No, now the pair of them stood in the middle of the creepiest graveyards Hazel had ever laid eyes upon.

"Why are we in a graveyard?" The question slipped past her lips before she could even think about it.

"I-I don't know," Harry muttered, glancing nervously around the dark graveyard. A sudden feeling of deja vu entered him, "I've been here before," He mumbled.

Hazel turned her gaze to Harry, adrenaline pumped through her veins, "W-What do you mean you've been here before, Harry?" She asked cautiously.

Harry's face paled. He swivelled around to look for the Triwizard Cup; he soon found it laying a few feet away from the pair of them, "In a dream," He explained, "I've been here before in a dream. Hazel, we have to get back to the Cup. Now!"

Hazel felt her palms begin to sweat. She wanted to ask more questions, but the look on Harry's face told her that now wasn't the time. The brunette turned around, ready to run over to the Cup when suddenly Harry felt down to his knees, clutching his head in pain.

"Harry! What's wrong?" She asked, kneeling down besides the younger boy.

"I'm fine. I'm fine," He quickly dismissed her, fear settling in his stomach, "Go back to the Cup. Or hide behind a grave. Please, Hazel."

Hazel felt the urgency in Harry's voice, and so, without anymore questions the brunette rushed to the grave that was the nearest. As she did, the sound of approaching footsteps practically echoed throughout the small graveyard. She nervously looked back, anger seeped in as her eyes spotted Peter Pettigrew walking out of the shadows, holding something in his arms. She couldn't make out what it was, but it looked like a bundle of blankets you'd keep your baby in.

"Where's the spare?" The voice sent shivers down Hazel's spine. It didn't belong to Peter and it definitely didn't belong to Harry which freaked her out even more.

"I-I don't know," Peter's shaky voice replied.

Hazel held her breath.

"Find her," The voice ordered.

Glancing over the top of the gravestone, Hazel spotted Peter's nervous face looking around; still holding onto the bundle of blankets. Suddenly, his dark, cold eyes landed right on Hazel. She could've sworn her heart stopped beating at that very moment. She felt stiff as she watched Peter holding up his wand, "Crucio! 

Hazel didn't want to scream. She didn't want to bring anyone else's attention to her. But as the red light collided with her body, she couldn't control herself anymore. It took several minutes of intense pain; feeling like her bones were all being snapped in half one by one, before she finally fell into the darkness. Her unconscious body still twitching painfully. 

Harry couldn't bare to watch. He was kind of glad she passed out; that way her pained screams wouldn't echoed through the night. But a big part of him worried she was dead. He would glance over at her every few seconds, when he saw her chest heaving up and down, he sighed in relief.

Hazel felt as if her body was on fire. She couldn't bare to move any of her limbs. Even breathing seemed like a task too hard for her to handle. She tried to open her eyes, she really did, but her body was too tired. The brunette began to listen to the sounds around her, when she heard that voice that chilled her to the core, a sudden strength came back to her. Her brown doe eyes finally opened. They were still in the graveyard and it even began to rain. She tilted her head to the side, her eyes widening when she spotted Harry in a spell battle with Voldemort. 

Hazel felt herself hyperventilating as she tried to get up. Her body still twitched and her limbs felt useless. Her eyes suddenly met Harry's as he looked around the graveyard. As soon he spotted her, he let out a sigh of relief. Without thinking, he sent another spell at Voldemort, managing to blind him momentarily as he rushed to Hazel. He grabbed her hand before he touched the Cup. Teleporting them right where they should've already been.

The first thing Hazel spotted was the loud cheering. She heard people clapping, stomping their feet and playing music. Her consciousness kept slipping in and out as she watched Dumbledore rush over to them. Harry laid his head over her stomach, shaking as he cried and suddenly the cheering stopped and it was replaced by low muttering.

"Tell me what happened," Dumbledore ordered, placing his hand on the boy's shoulder.

Hazel wanted to open her mouth, but she couldn't. She felt her head lolling from one side to the other as tears seeped out of her eyes. Her body still felt as if it was on fire and she was slowly beginning to think she'd never feel normal again. 

"He's back!" Harry suddenly yelled, his voice raspy, "He's back! Voldemort's back! Wormtail--He-He used the Cruciatus Curse on Hazel. I--I--"

Hazel picked up on a familiar voice. It sounded so close yet so far away. Her heart ached at the pain in George's voice. She expected him to rush over, but McGonagall stopped him, not wanting to overcrowd the poor girl.

"It's alright Harry," Dumbledore said softly, looking between the two teenagers with a saddened expression, "She's home. You're both home."

And that's when everything turned black. 

Little Wolf {George Weasley} ✓Where stories live. Discover now