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DUE TO THE FOLLOWING DAY being a Saturday, Hazel was extremely pleased to finally have a chance to sleep in, and surprisingly she actually managed to. Usually, the twins do anything - and everything - they can to get the brunette up, however this weekend they seemed to lay off it whilst they tried to figure out how to put their name in the Goblet.

When Hazel finally got up and changed into her usual attire, she made her way down to the Great Hall where there was a large group of students surrounding the Goblet of Fire. Taking a deep breath, the brunette gripped the small piece of parchment in her hand and before she even realised, she began making her way towards the blue flame.

Her shoes squeaked on the polished floor as heads turned in her direction. Hazel sent a small smile at the Golden Trio when she spotted them on a nearby bench before she crossed the threshold around the Goblet. Students stared in awe as the brunette carefully placed a small piece of parchment into the fire. The blue flames intensified before engulfing the parchment. Hazel smiled as loud cheers echoed through the hall; every Hogwarts student that was in the room began clapping and cheering for her, until she moved away from the fire to sit besides Hermione.

"I can't believe you did that," The younger girl stated, looking completely shocked at the older brunette.

"Yeah," Hazel breathed out, "I can't either. Rather exciting, isn't it?"

Hermione stared at her in shock, whilst both Ron and Harry looked at her with adoration written on their faces; Ron especially.

"Anyone else put their names in?" Hazel asked, taking a quick glance to see that no one else seemed to be stepping forward to the Goblet.

"All the Durmstrang lot," Ron told her, "You were the first one from Hogwarts."

"Not for long!" Lee Jordan's voice echoed through the Great Hall as he entered, waving his arms around excitingly. 

"Well, lads, we've done it!" Fred said as he and George strolled into the Great Hall, smug smiles on their faces. 

Hazel quickly spotted that each twin held a small vile in-between their fingers.

"Cooked it up this morning," George added.

"It's not going to work," Hermione simply stated.

"Oh, yeah?" 

"And, why is that, Granger?" George asked as he and Fred strolled over to the bushy haired girl, their smug smiles still plastered on their faces.

Hermione rolled her eyes and slammed her book close, "You see this line?" She asked, pointing to the blue line around the Goblet, "This is an Age Line. Dumbledore drew it himself."

"So?" Fred asked.

"So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something as pathetic as an Ageing Potion."

"Ah, that's why it's so brilliant," George said as he placed one of his arms over Hazel's shoulder.

"Because it's so pathetically dim-witted," Fred added with a laugh before he turned to his twin, "Ready, George?"

George stood up straight, his arm falling off Hazel's shoulder; leaving it cold, "Ready, Fred," George nodded.

"Bottoms up," They said in unison before clanking their viles together. 

A large crowd eagerly watched as Fred and George downed their potions. Even Hazel was surprised when they both managed to jump over the Age Line.

"Yeah!" They cheered before turning their attention to the Goblet. On a count of three they each threw one piece of parchment into the flame.

"Yes!" George cheered loudly as the flame engulfed the parchment, his cheering, however, was short lived as the blue flame turned to a ruby red one merely seconds before it spat two pieces of parchment out with so much force it managed to knock both Fred and George back several feet.

Hazel gasped loudly as she shot out of her seat. She and Lee pushed through the forming crowd that was beginning to surround the twins. Lee began laughing hysterically, holding his stomach as he pointed at the twins, "Merlin's beard, that's hilarious!" He wheezed.

Haze couldn't deny that the scene in front of them actually was hilarious, as each twin began to grow a large white beard, their ginger hair also turned the same white shade. The brunette snickered as she watched George touch his face, gasping loudly when he felt the growing beard; one that would give Dumbledore a run for his money.

"You said!" They yelled at each other in sync.

"Oh, right, you want a piece of me?!"

"I'll tear your ears off!" Fred shouted at George before he lunged at him. As the two began wrestling the crowd's laughter got louder.

"We're 'old-school', right?"

"Yeah, but you look older!"

Hazel laughed so hard, tears began forming in the corners of her eyes. She finally wiped them away and nudged Lee and the pair of them went over to the twins, prying them off one another, "Come on, guys, let's get you to the Hospital Wing," Hazel said, which surprisingly got the twins to finally calm down.

Lee led Fred away from the group as George and Hazel followed them.

"I still look good as an old man, right?" George asked, glancing over to his right.

Hazel chuckled, but nevertheless she nodded, "Of course you do."

Little Wolf {George Weasley} ✓Where stories live. Discover now