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THE FINAL DEFENCE AGAINST THE Dark Arts lesson (with Harry) had finally arrived. Since it was almost Christmas, this would be the last time the group would see each other until after they all returned back after their holiday. Hazel glanced around the room, smiling warmly as she spotted all of the Christmas decorations hanging up around the room. What she didn't notice, though, was the mistletoe that was hanging right above her head, however, George definitely did notice it as he nudged his girlfriend with a teasing smirk on his lips.

Confused, Hazel glanced up at the plant above her head and as soon as her dark eyes spotted it she let out a small laugh. George had already puckered up his lips, awaiting for a kiss.

She placed her hands on George's cheeks and stood up on her tip-toes, whilst the ginger haired boy dipped his head down, their lips meeting in the middle. Hazel couldn't help it as a smile graced her lips, George felt it and his own lips did the same thing as he placed his hands on her waist, holding her close to his body. Butterflies flew around in her stomach as she deepened the kiss before suddenly a loud cough broke them apart.

As soon as the couple realised where they were, they quickly pulled apart, their faces flushed and their lips swollen. Hazel bit her lip as she glanced to her side and spotted Fred and Lee snickering, to the other side of them were the rest of the students.

"Right, if everyone's ready," Harry suddenly said, smirking at the couple, "Let's gather around."

The students gathered around as Hazel and George tried their best to get their faces from a deep scarlet colour back to their normal paleness. Katie was quick to rush over to the four seventh years, "We've replaced you," She announced which finally caused Fred and Lee to stop laughing.

"Katie, please, you're making us feel too special," Fred sarcastically commented.

The blonde just rolled her eyes, "Angelina Johnson is our new Chaser. Ginny Weasley is our new Seeker and our new Beaters are Andrew Kirke and Jackson Slopper," She told them before turning around and walking off towards Alicia.

Hazel smiled sadly. The fact that they were now replaced made it all feel real. Part of her thought that McGonagall would find them and tell them the happy news that she managed to get them back on the Quidditch team, but it looked like that wouldn't be happening anytime soon. However, part of her did feel proud of Ginny, the young girl had always loved Quidditch and Hazel had tried convincing her to try out for the team several times but Ginny always refused, at least now she got her chance.

"Okay," Harry's voice grabbed Hazel's attention, "I thought this evening we would just go over the things we've done so far, because it's the last meeting before the holidays and there's not much point starting anything new due to the three week break--"

"We're not doing anything new?" Zacharias Smith grunted, "If I'd known that, I wouldn't have come."

"We're all really sorry Harry didn't tell you that, then," Fred said loudly, earning laughter from the other students.

"If you want to leave feel free to, it's not like we'll be lost without you," Hazel muttered bitterly, crossing her arms over her chest as she glared at the Hufflepuff. Zacharias puffed his chest out and turned away from her, a sour look on his face.

"--We can practise in pairs," Harry continued, "We'll start with the Impediment Jinx, for ten minutes, then we can get out the cushions and try Stunning again."

Hazel stayed by George's side as everyone dispersed around the room. It was no surprise that the meeting flew by and before they knew it, Harry was already wishing them a 'Merry Christmas' as they slowly began to leave one by one. 

"We've been thinking..." George began as Harry strolled past the twins, Hazel and Lee.

"We could always slip Umbridge some Puking Pastels," Fred continued.

"Or Fever Fudge," George nodded eagerly, "They give you these massive puss-filled boils--"

"Sounds great, guys," Harry interrupted, his eyes looking behind them rather than actually at them, "Would you excuse me?" He asked but before any of the seventh years could reply, the spectacled boy had already slipped past them.

"How rude," Fred muttered sarcastically as the four seventh years walked towards the door, glancing back to see what had captured Harry's attention. Hazel's eyes instantly locked on Cho Chang standing in front of a mirror.

Harry caught Hazel's eye one last time, the brunette girl sent him a teasing wink before she pushed the three boys out of the Room of Requirement. 

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