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HAZEL GRIPPED HER BAG TIGHTLY as she manoeuvred through the quiet hallways of the school. She certainly didn't regret anything she had said or did in that Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson, and truthfully, if she was in the same position, she'd probably say even more things that are sitting on her mind.

As the brunette rounded a corner, she let out a string of curse words when her eyes spotted Peeves the Poltergeist floating around the empty hallway, juggling what looked like water balloons. Keeping her head down, Hazel walked swiftly towards McGonagall's office, hoping Peeves wouldn't spot her. 

"Little wolf Lupin," Peeve's voice echoed in her ear, she jumped slightly not realising how close he actually was.

"Go away, Peeves," The brunette mumbled as she carried on walking, McGonagall's office door in her vision.

"Ooo, little wolf is cranky," Peeves said, easily catching up to Hazel, "What's wrong little wolf Lupin? Or should I say, little wolf Weasley?" He cackled.

Hazel ignored the poltergeist as she finally reached the office door. She knocked three times and just before the door swung open, water suddenly splashed down onto the brunette as loud echoey laughter echoed throughout the hallways.

"Miss. Lupin, what in Merlin's name are you doing out of class?" McGonagall asked, "And why are you wet?"

"Peeves," Hazel muttered as she handed McGonagall the pink parchment.

The Head of Gryffindor rolled her eyes before she waved her wand at the brunette, drying her in seconds. Her eyes then landed on Hazel's outstretched hand, "What's this?" She asked as she took hold of the parchment.

"I've been sent to see you," Hazel told her. 

With a puzzled expression, McGonagall opened the parchment and quickly scanned the words sprawled across it. She sighed, "Come in, Lupin."

Hazel followed McGonagall into the office, the door automatically shut itself behind her as soon as she walked through the threshold.

"Well," Professor McGonagall said, swivelling around to look at the brunette, "Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

Is it true you shouted at Professor Umbridge?" McGonagall questioned, raising her eyebrow as she looked at the young girl.

"Yeah," Hazel nodded, feeling the anger seeping back into her veins purely at the mention of that pink-wearing Professor.

"You called her a liar?"


"You called her disgusting?"


"You called her old?"


"You told her You-Know-Who is back?"

Hazel nodded yet again, "Yeah."

Professor McGonagall sat down behind her desk, she looked at Hazel through her small glasses, "Have a biscuit, Lupin."

The brunette felt speechless, "W-W-What?" She stuttered.

"Have a biscuit," The Head of Gryffindor repeated herself as she took the metal lid off a tin of biscuits and passed it across the table, the smell of fresh biscuits engulfed Hazel's senses, "And, please, sit down."

Hazel was still completely puzzled, but she sat down nevertheless. She awkwardly helped herself to a shortbread biscuit and carefully nibbled on it whilst watching McGonagall placing the pink note onto her desk, "I suppose you have a good reason to threaten and call her all those things?" She questioned, looking back up at Hazel.

The brunette nodded, "Yes."

"And that was...?"

"She spoke ill of my dad," Hazel explained, "And I don't regret it," She quickly added.

"Yes, I can tell," Professor McGonagall nodded, inspecting Hazel's whole demeanour, "You're going to need to keep your anger under control, Miss. Lupin. Especially, around Professor Umbridge."

Hazel sighed, "As long as she doesn't say anything else about him."

Professor McGonagall sent her a pointed look.

"Fine," The brunette sighed, wiping the crumbs from her fingers onto her skirt, "I'll keep my anger under control."

"Here, have another biscuit," Professor McGonagall suddenly said, thrusting the tin towards the young witch.

"Oh, no thank you."

"Don't be ridiculous," McGonagall scoffed, still keeping the tin close to the brunette.

Hazel glanced at her Head of House before she reached over to grab another shortbread biscuit timidly, "Okay, thanks."

McGonagall looked pleased with herself as she placed the lid back on the tin, "Now. Off you pop."

AN- I've recently published some Peaky Blinders stories if there's any fans out there. Hope you've all had a great day xx

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