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"YOU'VE DONE IT, NEVILLE," HERMIONE beamed proudly, "You've found the Room of Requirements."

Hazel stood in between Fred and George, her dark eyes scanning the large room filled with everything they could possibly need for their Defence Against the Dark Arts classes.

"The what?" Neville questioned, looking confused.

"It's also known as the Come and Go Room," Hazel spoke up, sending Neville a small smile, "It only appears when a person had real need of it. And it's always equipped for the seeker's needs."

"So, say you really needed the toilet...?" Ron sheepishly asked.

Hermione rolled her eyes as the twins and Hazel stifled their laughter, "Charming, Ronald. But yes, that's the general idea," The bushy haired girl confirmed.

"It's brilliant," Harry grinned as he walked further into the room, examining it carefully, "It's as if Hogwarts wants us to fight back."

The following day, the entire group from the Hog's Head met up in the Room of Requirements, all of them surprisingly ready to start learning from Harry. Hazel was practically glued to George's side as they watched Harry clearing his throat, causing everyone to quieten down and turn to look at him.

"Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal," He said, his voice clear and confident. He seemed a lot more comfortable in front of everyone than he did at the pub, Hazel thought, "It's the wizard's bread and butter, really. So, come on, Nigel, give your best shot."

The group broke apart, leaving Harry and the small second year in the middle of the room. Hazel watched carefully as Nigel lifted his hand up, his wand gripped tightly in his palm, "Stupefy," A bright ball of light emitted from the wand and hit Harry straight in the chest, knocking him backwards. However, the power that came with the light seemed to overpower Nigel too as he went flying backwards.

The pair stood up quickly, showing that neither one of them was injured. They dusted their clothes as scattered clasps were heard from the rest of the students. 

"Good. Not bad at all, Nigel, Well done," Harry praised the young boy causing a wide grin to appear on his face.

Next up was Hermione and Ron. Hazel chuckled to herself when she saw the nervous look on Ron's face as he took Nigel's previous position, Hermione went to stand where Harry was merely seconds earlier.

"Come on, Ron!" Dean cheered jokingly, sending the ginger haired boy an amused grin.

"One Sickle," Fred whispered to George over Hazel's head.

"You're on," George nodded enthusiastically. The twins shook hands before turning their attention back to Ron and Hermione.

Before Ron could even open his mouth, Hermione had already swung her wand, the spell leaving her lips as a bright ball of light hit Ron straight in the chest causing him to fly back into a wall. He seemed to turn a bright shade of red as Hermione held a satisfied smirk on her face.

"Thank you," Fred said cheerfully as George begrudgingly handed him one Sickle.

"Shut up," George muttered bitterly causing both Fred and Hazel to snort with laughter until he sent them a pointed look.

"Don't be a sore loser, Georgie," Hazel teased, an amused grin spread across her face.

Before George could reply Ron begrudgingly walked back over to his brothers and Hazel, an embarrassed look on his face as he scratched his neck, "I let her do that."

Little Wolf {George Weasley} ✓Where stories live. Discover now