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HAZEL STAYED AT THE BURROW for the next few days to celebrate Harry's sixteenth birthday. The day after it, they all decided to finally go down to Diagon Alley to visit the twin's joke shop (which opened merely three days prior). 

Hazel felt her heart swell with pride as she entered the shop. It was completely and utterly packed, bustling with life. Shelves were filled from top to bottom filled with the best sweets, pranks and everything in between. 

"Patented Daydream Charms," Hermione read aloud, "One simple incantation and you will find yourself entering a top-quality, highly realistic thirty minute daydream, easy to fit into the average school lesson and virtually undetectable. Side effects include vacant expressions and minor drooling. Not for sale to under sixteens. You know what," The bushy haired girl muttered, glancing up at Hazel, Harry, Ginny and Ron, "That really is extraordinary magic."

"For that, Hermione," A familiar voice said from behind the group, "You can have one for free."

Hazel glanced over her shoulder, her eyes lighting up when she spotted the twins standing there, wearing their matching work uniforms. Without a second thought, the brunette rushed over to her fiancé throwing her arms around him as he pulled her closer, her feet leaving the ground momentarily as George spun her around, "How was living at our house without us?"

"Well, we better get on with the wedding plans or Fleur will force us to have a double wedding," Hazel replied, a slight bitterness laced her voice.

Ginny coughed behind them, "Phlegm," She muttered under her breath.

"Phlegm?" Fred asked, looking confused.

"Phlegm," Ginny nodded, suddenly the ginger haired girl swivelled around on her heels and walked off, disappearing into the busy crowd.

"Anyhow, did you bring your stuff?" George asked, looking down at the brunette with a wide grin on his face. He still couldn't believe that Hazel was moving in with them, let alone the fact that she said yes to his marriage proposal.

Hazel smiled sheepishly, "I may have left it at the Burrows."

George chuckled softly before throwing his arm around Hazel's shoulders, "No worries, Fred will go and get it."

Fred's head turned towards them, a look of surprise gracing his features, "Oh, yes, Fred, your loyal butler shall go get your stuff, sir," He did a fake curtsying at the couple before shaking his head and muttering to himself, "I'm going to regret this."


HAZEL GLANCED AROUND WITH A satisfied smile on her face. She had officially moved in. 

Remus, Fred and George helped bring everything around, and literally neither of the three let Hazel touch - let alone move or carry - any box or bag that she owned. They didn't even allow her to use her wand to help and practically forced her to sit on the couch and just watch them. 

Once everything was done Remus almost suffocated Hazel to death by not letting her go from their hug, his arms wrapped tightly around his only child. It was bittersweet seeing her move out and begin her life somewhere else, but he was more than happy about it, especially when he saw the loving gazes Hazel and George shared whenever they did anything. 

"I can't believe I'm finally moved in," The brunette breathed out, her dark eyes scanned the living room and her belongings that seemed to fit in perfectly well.

"Neither can I," George said in awe, his arms brining Hazel closer to him.

Glancing up at her fiancé, the brunette was quick to connect their lips as their eyes closed, enjoying the closeness of their bodies.

"Urgh, disgusting."

The voice caused the couple to pull away, glancing over her shoulder, Hazel spotted Fred walking out of his bedroom, a large grimace on his face.

"Oh, shush Freddie, you're just jealous," Hazel said with an amused grin on her face.

"Pfft, no I'm not," Fred snorted, rolling his eyes.

Hazel chuckled to herself as she pulled herself out of George's arms. Without a warning, the brunette sprinted over to her best friend and jumped onto his back, wrapping her arms tightly around his shoulders as she placed a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

"Urgh, disgusting!"

Little Wolf {George Weasley} ✓Where stories live. Discover now