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THE PAIN OF LOSING BOTH her father and step-mum never went away, it simply got slightly easier to deal with. However there were times were it was still raw, like Teddy's first birthday. A birthday he should've spend with his actual parents.

It wasn't long after Teddy's first birthday that Hazel was almost due to give birth, and because of that she had been staying at the Burrow just in case. 

It was a normal sunny weekend, the twins shut the shop earlier before arriving at the Burrow. Hazel watched as George and Fred played with little Teddy, however, part of her was worried that the boy would do his first prank before he turned two. 

The brunette stood at the door of the living room, a fond smile on her face as her fingers danced on her belly. It was slowly getting uncomfortable being pregnant and she couldn't wait until the baby finally popped out, she seemed to get her wish pretty quick when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her belly.

Looking down her dark eyes widened.

"Your wife just peed herself," Ron snickered, pointing to the puddle around Hazel's feet as he walked past the woman into the living room, suddenly stopping when he realised what had actually happened.

George's head snapped over to them both, his eyes wide as he took in Hazel's pained face. Her eyes met his and she nodded, instantly he knew it was finally time. Part of him was ready to panic, but the other part was filled with adrenaline as he jumped to his feet, sprinting over to his wife.

"He's coming?"

"It's a she, Georgie," Hazel breathed heavily.

"We don't know that yet," George chuckled softly.

"I know," Hazel stated firmly just before she let out a pained scream, tears forming in her eyes.

It didn't take long for Mr. and Mrs. Weasley to rush downstairs to check what was happening and instantly Mrs. Weasley got into her protective mode, yelling orders when she realised that Hazel probably wouldn't last the journey to the hospital.

After almost thirty minutes of screaming, crying and almost breaking George's hand, the sound of a baby's cries filled the living room. It was a baby girl. A girl with a tuff of bright red hair on the top of her head. Both Hazel and George cried when they first held her, their own little world. Cassiopeia Molly Weasley. 

Right after the birth, Hazel and George finally moved into their own little cottage, one that was very close to the Burrow. They lived there with their daughter and Godson for the next two years before another addition came along into the family, Mia Nymphadora Weasley, a girl that inherited her mother's dark brown locks. 

The next two additions to the family were two gorgeous labradors, one black and one golden. Their life had become everything they wanted it to, even though they had parts of their family missing, they did everything they could to raise their children (and many, many nieces and nephews) as well as they could because they couldn't bring back the dead, but they they could be the greatest parents in the world.

Little Wolf {George Weasley} ✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu