20. SAFE

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BILL AND HAZEL WERE THE first two back at the Burrow. 

Mrs. Weasley greeted them with bone-crushing hugs and ushered them into the kitchen, where they sat around the table awaiting the arrival of everyone else.

It must've been half an hour - if not longer - before the sound of the front door echoed through the Burrow. 

Mrs. Weasley was the first one up, she practically sprinted to the door, Bill and Hazel hot on her heels. Hazel's eyes scanned the group, everyone was there, they looked exhausted and muddy but none of them looked injured and that was the most important aspect. 

"You're alright!" Mrs. Weasley cried, she flung her arms around her husband, as tears flowed freely down her cheeks. When she finally let go of Arthur, she turned her attention to the twins, "You're alive...oh, boys..."

To everyone's surprise, she seized both Fred and George, pulling them both into a tight hug which caused their heads to bang one another. Hazel felt her heart warming up as she watched the embrace, sure the twins were moaning and complains about how tight Mrs. Weasley was hugging them, but the woman didn't care.

"Ouch! Mum you're strangling us--"

"I shouted at you before you left!" Mrs. Weasley sobbed loudly, "It's all I've been thinking about! What if You-Know-Who had got you, and the last thing I ever said to you was that you didn't get enough O.W.L.s? Oh, Fred...George..."

"Come on, now, Molly, we're all perfectly okay," Mr. Weasley said soothingly, prying her off the twins and leading her back towards the kitchen, muttering a quick greeting to Hazel and Bill. The latter of who followed them into the kitchen, Charlie and Percy did so too.

Hazel pulled Harry into a hug, asking the spectacled boy if he was alright since he looked extremely pale. 

Harry replied with a simple, "I'm okay, I promise," before the pair pulled away from their hug. Ever since what had happened at the Shrieking Shack, Harry and Hazel seemed to have gotten a lot closer. Acting almost like siblings than friends and so it was hard for the brunette to see Harry looking so shaken up, but she was glad he was back safe.

Hazel hugged Hermione, Ron and Ginny as well, glad to see that none of them had anything more than a scratch on themselves, before the group of youngsters made their way into the kitchen, still looking slightly somber. 

"I'm so glad you're both okay!" Hazel exclaimed as she threw her arms around the twins, bringing them into a tight hug; almost as bone-crushing as Mrs. Weasley's hug was.

The twins returned the gesture.

"We're glad you're alright too," George muttered, his breath tickling Hazel's neck as he held her tightly; so tightly that neither one of them noticed that Fred had managed to slip away quietly.

Hazel moved her head off George's chest, tilting her head up as her eyes scanned his face, checking for any signs of injury.

George looked down at her. His eyes sad as they noticed the dry tear stains on her cheeks, "Did you get hurt at all?" George asked her, his voice was slightly above a whisper as his eyes inspected her face; just like hers had done merely seconds earlier. 

The brunette shook her head, "No, Bill helped me away from it all," She told him, their eyes locking, "I was so worried about you," She admitted sheepishly, her cheeks tinting a light pink shade.

"I was so worried about you," George stated, "It would've killed me if something bad happened to you."

Hazel could feel her heart hammering violently against her rib cage as their eyes stayed connected. Her chocolate coloured eyes bored into his. Their breaths mixed due to the close proximity of their faces. A strange feeling settled in Hazel's stomach; a feeling she only got whenever she was around George. 

"I need to tell you something," George was the first to break the silence that filled the air. 

Hazel nodded, encouraging the ginger haired boy to tell her what he needed to. She could've sworn she spotted his eyes glance down at her lips for a second before he looked back into her eyes.

George took a deep breath; as if he was nervous about something. He took a small step forward, leaving almost no space in between their bodies, "I've been wanting to tell you this for months," He admitted sheepishly, "Like, at first I tried to tell you after our the first Hogmeade weekend last year, then I tried to tell you when we were walking back from the Hospital Wing, you know, when Harry fell off the broomstick that one Quidditch game--"

As George babbled on, something inside Hazel clicked and without giving it much thought, the brunette stood up on her tip-toes before she placed her lips on his, silencing him. 

George was stunned for several seconds. He wasn't expecting Hazel to kiss him. Heck, he wasn't expecting her to do anything other than listen and then turn him down. But when she didn't do that and he realised what was actually happening, he began to move his lips against hers. 

His hands tentatively went to her waist, holding her softly but securely as her arms wrapped themselves around his neck. All the worry seemed to disappear. In that exact moment, they were the only two people in the world. Their bodies pressed tightly as their lips moved in sync. There was no fireworks or explosions going off, but it just felt right. Like two pieces of a jigsaw finally coming together. 

When they finally pulled away they were both breathless. Hazel stared into George's eyes, his pupils were slightly dilated as he looked at her. Butterflies swarmed her stomach just from the way he looked at her; as if she was the only person in the world; in his world. 

"You have no idea how long I wanted to do that for," George breathed out, a large grin on his face.

Hazel chuckled softly, "Me too," She muttered, her lips upturned in a large grin. 

"Hazel! Your dad's here!" Fred's loud voice suddenly echoed through the Burrow, scaring George and Hazel away from each other. The latter of who almost tripping over her own feet, luckily George managed to catch her in time.

They spent the next several seconds staring at each other before Fred's voice shouting broke them apart yet again. Hazel smiled softly at the ginger haired boy, before she finally walked away.

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