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HAZEL SAT ON THE COMMON room couch, her Potions book propped up on her knees as her eyes aimlessly scanned the words. Truthfully, she wasn't really even reading it she was too sad to do that; today had been the first Quidditch practise that she, Harry and the twins couldn't attend. The first of way too many in her opinion. 

"How was Quidditch practise?" Harry's questioned caused the brunette to perk up. She slammed her book shut as she watched Ron and Ginny entering the common room, both looking exhausted.

"It was a nightmare," Ron sulked.

"Oh, come on," Hermione spoke up, she closed her book to pay all of her attention to the two Weasley siblings, "I'm sure it wasn't--"

"Yes, it was," Ginny cut her off, "It was appalling. Katie was almost in tears by the end of it."

Neither Ginny or Ron waited for a reply as they both trudged up the stairs, depressed expressions on their faces. Hazel shared a saddened look with Harry, the pair suddenly feeling extremely guilty for getting kicked off the team, however, she still believed that Draco got exactly what he deserved. 

The common room door opened again as two ginger haired boys entered, instantly they made their way over to the couch.

"Ron and Ginny not here?" Fred questioned whilst George sat on the armrest of the couch right behind his girlfriend, after placing a small kiss on her temple.

"Use your eyes, Freddie," Hazel teased, earning a playful glare from Fred.

"We were watching their practise," Fred explained, a defeated look on his face, "They're going to be slaughtered. They're completely rubbish without us," He said as he plopped himself down in the maroon armchair.

"Ginny's not that bad," George confused, "Actually, I don't know how she got so good, seeing as we never let her play with us."

"I taught her," Hazel said nonchalantly, everyone's eyes snapped over to her and the twins looked completely confused, "And she's been breaking into your broom shed since she was, like, six and taking each of your broomsticks out in turn when you were sleeping."

"Well that explains it," George breathed out, looking impressed.

"Has Ron saved any goals yet?" Hermione suddenly asked, glancing between the twins.

"Well, he can do it when he doesn't think anyone's watching him," George stated, snickering to himself, "So, all we have to do is ask the crowd to turn their backs and talk amongst themselves every time the Quaffle goes up to his end on Saturday." 

Hazel bit her lip as to not laugh. She felt bad for Ron, but at the same time the mental image of everyone having to turn around in the stands amused her quite a fair bit.

"You know, Quidditch was about the only thing in this place worth staying for," Fred mumbled to himself as he slouched down in the armchair as he shared a look with George, "I dunno if I even want to watch this match. If Zacharias Smith beats us I might have to kill myself."

"Kill him, more like," George teased.

"That's the trouble with Quidditch," Hermione suddenly spoke up as she reopened her book, "It creates all this bad feeling and tension between the houses," She glanced up briefly to see Hazel, Harry, Fred and George all looking at her in disbelief, "Well it does," The bushy haired girl shrugged, "It's only a game, isn't it?"

"Hermione..." Harry sighed, "You're good on feelings and stuff, but you just don't understand Quidditch."

"Gotta agree with Harry," Hazel nodded, smiling sheepishly at the bushy haired girl.

"Maybe not," She replied darkly, returning her attention back to her homework, "But at least my happiness doesn't depend on Ron's goalkeeping abilities."

"My happiness doesn't depend on Ron's goalkeeping abilities, either," George mumbled under his breath, no one seemed to hear him as he kept his chocolate coloured eyes on Hazel Lupin as she tapped her fingernails on her Potions book.

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