Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

    Cen Ge was a little everyone saw it?

    The elder brother sighed like an old father, took out a pill, threw it in her hand, raised his chin and pointed to the approximate location of the strawberry mark, "Here, there are some other places... remember to wipe it."

    As he said that, he couldn't hold it back, and completely lost his face: "You, you... Did Master tell you to stay away from Lingnan? You forgot to mention it, and you are still with him. I really don't know what to do." How can I say you..."

    Cen Ge thought about it for a moment, and the original body's memory and the content of the novel told her the answer - "No.

    " Looking at the villages and fields in the distance, I don't know what I'm thinking about.

    Cen Ge took a deep breath and asked, "So why did the master give such an order?"

    The elder brother shook his head and said, "I don't know, it's just that there is an order."

    Cen Ge had nothing to say, and stretched out his hand to Apply the medicine by yourself, let your mind go silently, and make guesses.

    Is it because of a curse? The master predicted that Yuan would die at the hands of Lingnan, and because of the sect's rule that no one can kill without reason, he operated in the opposite direction, taking Lingnan into the peak gate to be herded like a sheep, trying to raise and abolish him.

    Worried that the original body would get acquainted with Lingnan due to fate, and be implicated and killed, so he ordered Lingnan to stay away from the original body, and by the way, separated from other prominent disciples in the peak gate, so that Lingnan would stay on the foundation building floor forever...

    So Why didn't Master tell Yuanzhen? Wouldn't it be better to say "stay away from Lingnan, Master will not harm you" to Yuanshen than to say it to Quanfengmen?

    After thinking about it, it doesn't make sense.

    After the medicine was wiped off, it was very cool, almost to the bottom of my heart, and even the spiritual altar was so clear. Cen Ge still couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking and went to the cabin.

    Just at the junction of the deck and the cabin, Lan Cha, the master of Qingxi Peak, was smiling kindly, and took care of all the disciples who had committed crimes in the secret realm.

    The disciples of Qianshan Sect tied up the throwing snow house with snake gold ropes, and the disciples of other sects memorized them one by one, and asked Ding Luren to share with the other sects.

    Lan Ruoxu was idly holding hands, and someone asked, "Sister Xu, are you leaving everything to Brother Ding now?"

    Lan Ruoxu answered with a smile: "Master originally said that I have a calamity, so it's not easy to settle the money." Dan, it’s best to sit in the seat of the senior elder sister for a few more years. Then suddenly it was said that my doom has been solved, and I can be a real person. Naturally, I will give all the work to the next senior elder brother!" The man was very curious:

    " What doom?"

    Lan Ruoxu shook her head, "I don't know...Master just said that."

    Cen Ge listened and understood, and sighed silently. Lan Ruoxu's doom should be regarded as her top... No, to be precise, it is Lingnan's top.

    Originally, at this plot point, he would not be possessed by demons, and he would get the magic flame sword smoothly, ascend to the golden core, and continue his plot without the heroine's upgrade flow and slap in the face.

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