Birthday Boy

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I woke up to the screams of people, hundreds of people standing below outside of the hotel. Pulling on a robe over my boxers, I went into the balcony to be greeted by cheers and flowers, by huge cards and posters and clicks of people, screaming and yelling one thing

Happy birthday 

Smiling at the warmth and the love I was receiving, I waved to the fans and yelled out thank you. I couldn’t do this, the hotel would not love this behavior. So instead, I took a quick shower and went straight out – with security of course. 

Paparazzi were taken care of, and the fans were pushing against the guards to get one hug, to get one autograph or a photo. Today was their lucky day perhaps. 

I must have spent more than an hour talking to people, giving out photos and accepting gifts from all kinds of people. Agreed, there was a vast majority of girls, but there were enough guys and kids to make me feel loved not only for the physique but for my work and my talent. Of course, there were those who wanted me to sign their boobs and butts, but there were also those who simply wanted to let me know how I influenced their lives in a positive way.

That was probably the best, if not the only advantage, of being famous. If you wanted to, you could make a contribution, an impact on the world. 

“Happy Birthday” Sohail met me in my room, and we man hugged. Alright, guys didn’t hug for hours and kiss cheeks, but this was our way of expressing love. 

“Thanks man.” I smiled, sitting down to grab some breakfast. 

“Hey birthday boy,” Arbaaz came in with Arhaan holding his hand, strutting around with a gift and a card he was trying to hide behind his back. Pretending to not notice, I thanked him and got into the kitchen to get him coffee.

Arbaaz had been devastated when Malaika and Alisha were both attacked. Those were the two women he loved more than we loved himself, and it shook him inside out to see them both so hurt and helpless. But being the strong guy he is, he came around and showed such level mindedness, I couldn’t help but be proud of him.  Yesterday night, he stayed at the hospital, since only one family member was allowed in. Malaika was yet to come into consciousness, and Alisha was on heavy drugs to stabilize her body after the surgery. 

“Happy birthday.” Arhaan’s little voice startled me from behind. I smiled and picked him up, taking him to the couches and sitting him down on my lap. 

“Thanks champ” I kissed his forehead, and I couldn’t help but feel bad for him. When he was born, all of us swore we would keep him away from the limelight, from the issues of the Hollywood industry, from all the drama and craziness. All we wanted was for this little guy to have a very normal upbringing, to enjoy his childhood. But in less than three years, he’d seen all – betrayal, hatred, selfishness, the evil of this world. 

He asked questions, questions none of us had answers to. They all come out of innocence, he doesn’t understand what happens around him. He’s too young to understand that people wanted their kids to be friends with him not for him, but for the family name. He doesn’t understand why random people click photos of him. He doesn’t understand why we are on the papers and the TV. 

“You are my hero.” I added, running my hand through my hair. Though my brothers sensed the uneasiness, the little guy just gleamed and got out what he was trying to hide.

“You got me a gift? Can I open it?” he nodded nonchalantly and I slowly opened it to find a little toy car of a new Lamborghini model his dad and me were talking about the other day. 

“Dad helped me find it. And when I grow big and be like you, I will buy the big car for you.” He added. There was also a card he made, drawing the entire family and writing a simple “Happy birthday and I love you.” 

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