Isn't school boring?

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Saying that the media was going insane outside our campus was an understatement. So many reasons to crowd outside- the state’s chief minister himself was coming to school today to drop his daughter off. Lola, none other than my eternal hater was his daughter. And, it was Sara’s dad who was said to come drop his kids off before flying off to another country too. On top of that, Lauren was gonna make her first public appearance after Mason’s arrest. She was back to Mumbai last night, and decided to start off with school ASAP.

I squeezed Roo’s hand and she shot me a smile. I could see her confidence back in herself, she was determined again to go and break a leg. Mason’s arrest had changed something in her, she wasn’t afraid anymore. I was proud of her, to see her get out of the car without any fear and answer the questions without hesitation. She made very clear what he had done, leaving nothing to speculation or rumors. She knew she hadn’t done anything to be ashamed of, she didn’t have to hide anything.

I got out of the car too, and people asked me questions about Mason and other things too. I tried my best to give answers but not stir a controversy, simply because I needed some time off the craziness surrounding me.

Lauren pointed at a banner I had missed out on when I started school.

Proud school of world champions.’ And there were snaps of me and Lauren with our gold medals at the World Championships. I grinned, and went inside the safety of the gates.

“Thank God you’re fine!” Sara hug tackled Lauren and others followed in. In less than an year we were one big group of famous and not-so-famous friends. We looked out for each other, no matter what. What Mason did had made all of them furious, and I’m not kidding when I say they almost booked flight tickets to fly all the way to LA to kick Mason in his ass. They could do that, but thankfully didn’t.

“Attention whores.” Lola snorted and I glared at her.

“Pardon me?” Veer stepped towards her, Niall grabbing him by the sleeve of his shirt.

“You heard me.” She snickered at Lauren and then me, and in the end at Sara.

“Don’t you dare say a word against any of us here.” Lauren pointed her manicured finger at Lola, who just closed in the distance between the two.

“Or what?” she snarled, and I tried to pull Lauren away. She shrugged away from my pull, her eyes narrowing at Lola and her gang of bullies. The entire class was staring at us by now, exciting to have some new drama to gossip about in the café. Not that most of them had anything better to do than talk about non-sensible stuff.

“Or I will make you burn in hell.”

“Miss Lauren and Lola, my office. Now.” The coordinator’s voice boomed through the room and our necks snapped to see her standing in the doorway, fuming. I cursed under my breath to see both of them leaving behind her. I knew one thing for sure- she wasn’t the one to take indiscipline very well.

“What did Lauren do now?” Nate asked, coming into the classroom.

“She’s your girlfriend, you know? Show some respect.” I snapped at him and got my books out. It was time for physics- which meant some serious note making.

“She’s not. She broke up with me.” He hissed back and I raised a brow at him.

“She said her head was already messed up with Mason to handle a dick like me.” He explained as I and Niall listened closely. But before we got some more details about the break up, our teacher shut us up and started chanting about electromagnets.

I couldn’t help but wonder what had gone wrong, and how hadn’t I noticed. They hadn’t been talking, she hadn’t been telling me about how off he seemed off late. Their relationship had never been stable like mine, they fought every other day. They broke up, they made up. But this time it seemed like the end of story.

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