Stalker Much

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Getting up the next morning, I realised I was late for training. With barely three hours of sleep, I ran down to the gym and saw Dimitri waiting alone.

"Lauren had to fly back to LA for some legalities regarding Mason's case. Nothing serious, just the judiciary being a pain."

I nodded and went on the treadmill. Eight miles of running for the eight minutes I was late. He didn't even need to tell us anymore, we just accepted our fate as it came to us. Checking on my oxygen levels, I figured I needed some meds before I started the training. But I had used all the drugs I had in my bag and sighed.

"I gotchu." Tyson smiled, getting out some drugs he always carried for me. I mouthed a thank you and quickly went to my punishment.

"Well somebody was falling hard on the vault." Dimitri noted. He had the iPad we used to record our performances and review them periodically, and he had seen all my falling during the vault. I simply nodded and decided not to answer him. This performance was shameful for an elite gymnast.

"Alisha Khan, I do not live in a dungeon. I saw the news, I saw the paparazzi. However, do not let that affect you. Gymnastics is not about the bad, but the good. When you go up to your equipment, think about the happiness this sport gives you. You owe it good performances." His Russian accent was thick, but he meant every word of it. And I knew what he was saying. It was unprofessional to let storms on in inside create a havoc on the outside. This sport gave me a reason to live, and I had to give it back everything I had. And I would, I would.

Practicing and conditioning, I didn't realise when the few hours passed by. Dimitri left me as soon as the clock struck seven, and I went into my bedroom. Sohail was still fast asleep on the carpet,which was weird since he was a morning person. Shaking my head, I put the bed's covers over him and put a pillow under his Shrek head and went into the washroom.

Putting on the uniform, I decided I needed a jacket for today's weather. I was spoilt for choice, and stared at two beautiful options. Frustrated, I went down for a quick vote.

"When in doubt, always trust Gucci." Malaika's voice boomed through the living area and I turned around to see her standing with Arhaan in her hands, sleeping. Help came rushing to take her luggage to her room, as I took Arhaan and hugged her.

"I mean I'd love the paparazzi, for once, to focus on the Gucci than my personal life." I shrugged, wearing the jacket over my uniform. Leo was baffled, but ready with the car and security. I could see more people around the car, and wondered if I would get late with the kind of crowds outside.

"You don't have to go to school today, we'll send someone with the project." Salman offered, and as serious as Malaika was with education, she nodded in agreement.

"No, I want to go. This random person does not get to upheave my life." I got into the car before I got the pity eyes from anyone around me. Salman was the only one who got to follow, because he knew how to behave normal in the worst of the situations. Maybe he did deserve the Oscar after all.

Leo drove and others chased us all the way to my school. We stopped the car in front of the gate and I noticed someone standing right outside. My beloved father. Tyson got down to see what he could do to get him off the pavement before I got down, but I doubt they could force a person to leave public premises. There was nothing to do.

"Alright, this is the moment I was waiting for to thank you for these amazing headphones." I got them out and Salman smiled, hugging me tight. He told me he was in the city and would come and get me anytime I wanted, but I wanted to make it through the day without running away from facts.

Intertwined - Tangled series (Overprotective famous brothers)Where stories live. Discover now