Year of Dreams and Damage

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After that drive, the day went by pretty boring. Coming back, I packed up and we were soon driving through New York traffic hoping I didn’t miss my flight back to Mumbai. Everyone expect Sohail were going to Los Angeles for work, since Hollywood was calling its biggest stars. 

On the other hand, Dimitri had called me in early the day I reached, so I had precisely three hours and forty eight minutes’ sleep before I had to perform my routines for him to check. Needless to say, he was impressed that I hadn’t forgotten every single routine, but I knew I wouldn’t. I trained in New York too, and repeated routines in my head over and over again. I could feel each flip, each landing, each turn I usually took in my mind. 

During my spare time, which was hardly sufficient, I went online to find who was compatible for my brother. The list was long- from actors to singers to models. I knew a ton of these would kill for a chance to date him, but none of them passed a basic test. As I knew it, Salman would need a lady of substance. Physical appearances had seized to attract him anymore, since he was surrounded by it. What he was looking for was someone who was strong in her mind and soft in her heart. 

It was safe to say that the glamour industry didn’t have much of that.

At night, I was sitting with Destellar, writing songs after what seemed like ages. In the music room, I could feel the idea flooding into me, but not the one breakthrough concept that I needed for this particular song. So, I decided to text my mentor. 

Me: Goddess, how do you come up with some tune important and like, nostalgic, when all you can think of is tunes that suit songs more like Gangnam style?

Beyonce: Think of what you’re writing about, the moment, the thing. Maybe a memory, and then usually, something comes up. Btw, who is the lucky person here, huh? 

Me: I’ll try Bay, thanks. And, my mom…

Beyonce: Oh princess, I’m sorry, didn’t mean to pry. She must have be a fine lady though.

Me: She was, like you. Hey, I have a proposal for you?

Beyonce: Go ahead

Me: I know Jay is all super good in rapping but I swear we could get Salman to do that too. Date him, please :P (you know I’m kidding)

Beyonce: Hahaha, he doesn’t need to rap to win a lady. But I’m taken…you match making now?

Me: Yep. Just discovered Hollywood has a serious lack of women of substance.

Beyonce: Word babe, word. Anyways gotta go. Good luck!

Me: Thanks, see you!

Finding a girl for my brother was going to be difficult, unless I had some back up. Therefore, I called in for a small conversation with my family, except Salman. They were all woken up ruthlessly in LA, but pretty much everyone joined in when I announced it was an emergency. 

“Guys, we’ve gotta find Salman a girlfriend.” I said into the phone while going through some profiles I thought were interesting. 

“LeeLee, you mean good but I really don’t think Salman will be upto some matchmaking.” Sohail did have a point, I myself was a little skeptical about this. But I couldn’t just sit around and watch as Salman eventually ended up sharing this mansion with cats. 

“Come on. You know after Kat, he didn’t even mention a girl, like it took months for him to even go on a date. And none of them were his type. We just have to help him meet someone he’ll like, and then leave those two alone.” 

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