Shopping? Yeah I need that

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I groaned as my phone chimed of a message in the middle on night.

Pixie, you can hate me, but I really can’t make it by tonight, tons of work – Salman

You’re right, I do hate you. – Alisha

Sorry :( - Salman

Whatever. Just…go do your work – Alisha

You must be wondering what it was today? Well, tonight was supposed to be one of our troublesome twosome dates, something me and Salman had invented. We went out for simple dates, and always managed to cause a PR nightmare for our people. For us though, it was just a night away from all the stress, a night to catch up and have fun with each other’s company.

I got up and looked at my phone. It was eight in the morning, and yes it was middle of night for me. Yesterday had been hectic enough with training and a movie night with all my LA friends present. We had only gotten home at 12.30, and I had finally fallen asleep at something around 3 am. Mason and Tango Charlie kept haunting my dreams, and I only switched from one side to another for hours.

Yawning, I did finally get into my washroom and settled into the warm bathtub with the scent of freesia. Enchanting, relaxing when I was pissed. Tonight he was supposed to be here, after a week of being away I was supposed to finally meet him. But now he would go away again for another couple of weeks and I’d only know him through calls, skype and tweets.

This wasn’t how it was meant to be. We were supposed to be one big family, with everyone having weekends off. But here I was, alone in my house. Arbaaz and Sohail were in some other part of the country or the world, just like Salman. Malaika was in some flight, and I didn’t even know where she was headed.

I honestly missed family Fridays, when we all went out to catch the latest movie. It happened every week, before Salman got insanely famous and my brothers and sister-in-law followed him too. We did that before the paparazzi, before the rumors and before all this work. All this was breaking our family apart into little pieces.

“Hey monkey.” Joe’s voice blurted through my google nexus phone and I grinned at the nickname. Some things in life never changed.

“Hey danger.”

“Wassup?” he popped the ‘p’ like always, and I wondered why girls found him hot. He was a blonde, seriously. His IQ level was less than the room temperature, but he was still the hot one. Whatever the case, he was still one of my closest friends.

“Nothing. I’m alone here.” I sighed.

“Same pinch. It’s like the entire world has dates today.” Oh well, there was at least someone in this world who shared the pain with me.

“Join the club.” I did my hair, keeping the phone on speaker. Braiding them from the side, I let them look messy because I really didn’t care about how I looked like today. Jeans and top was it for me this boring Sunday, so I was planning to just read something and doze off.

“Let’s go out!” he blurted, “you and me. You’re bored, I’m bored. I’ll take you out, we’ll have fun.”

“Alright.” I shrugged and he promised he’d be over in twenty to pick me up. He was an adult, he could drive a car all he wanted. I wandered around the front lawn till I heard his BMW come to a halt in the drive way.

“Hey.” I hugged him. Joe, or any of his family for that matter, weren’t the ones to flaunt the millions they earned. They always were modest, down to earth. But then every rock star has a rocking car, doesn’t he?

Intertwined - Tangled series (Overprotective famous brothers)Where stories live. Discover now