Beach parties be like

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Quick calls were made. Creepily enough, Mike Tyson had contacts of all my friends in the Olympic Village, my entire team and staff. I didn't bother asking them how they got it, but I made a mental note of finding out how much they knew about my life.

Calls were made and most calls ended in positive response and then I was ushered by Salman outside once more. I wanted to show them the tower, but they promised they'd come back later and we'd see it, at night perhaps. I smiled and nodded, that was perhaps better. At night, its magic did wonders.

There were many cars waiting outside the gate and I noticed how my family and the guards were asking all my friends to get into the cars and make space for everyone. I laughed at how everyone just trusted them. We could we leading them to a secluded place and bury them alive but they didn't even think about it. I noticed how most people were dressed up, not for a party but definitely not in their usual work out attire either.

"I don't have a proper outfit!" I looked at Sohail and he just smiled, pointing at Malaika beside me. She grabbed a bag from the trunk and came back again, giving it to me.

"Consider this my gift to you. Kind of." I opened the bag to find everything - a flow-y dress, flats, make up palette, even a hair curler. I grabbed the dress and stared at the beauty. I knew this, Malaika had dragged me to a fashion show a little before I left for the national camp, during the court case, to help me unwind. And I had gushed over the dress all my way home and spoke about how some beads would do it good and I'd rather like a shorter version because a maxi would engulf me, and that is exactly how she'd gotten it done.

It had a kimono effect and crazy prints, with beads placed to partially border some prints. The craziest parts were the neckline, which showed just the right amount of cleavage without making it uncomfortable like strapless dresses, and how the dress puffed in the bottom. There were was a cut in the back, and it looked like a crop top and a mini skirt from the back, which I was digging. I did not think about it, but Malaika knew what I liked and perhaps got it done.

And she got it for me before they actually launched it, which must have taken enormous amount of effort on her part.

Shutting the barrier between us and the front, I quickly changed. Of course Malaika had a bra for me to go with the dress, and I thanked her again. She closed her eyes and I slipped down into the car to avoid people from other cars seeing me change. Once I'd slipped on the dress, I slipped the shoes on and smiled.

"Can I see her now?" Sohail asked from the front.

"Not yet. She's getting her oomph factor amplified." Malaika said back while curling my hair a little to give it the beach-y look. She yelled at me because they were dull and flat, and I said that in my defence, I had the Olympics to prepare for.

"I'll do your hair for the Olympics."

"You can't, you won't be allowed inside the dressing room."

"Please, they can't stop me." she rolled her eyes and handed me her phone to take a look at how my hair looked. She had dry shampoo and conditioner, and it had done wonders. My hair looked like they usually did, volumous and thick.

She also did my make up, but keeping with the venue we didn't over do it. It was some foundation and winged eye liner with a bright lipstick, and that was that. I was happy about the red lipstick, because it was now the trademark of team USA gymnastics, and I got to wear it on my special day as well.

We had just gotten ready and I had fixed Malaika's make up too, when our car came to a halt. I could see it that we were probably on the outskirts of the city, and the establishment looked grand if not out of the world.

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