Magazine Cover

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If I didn’t collapse in a few moments, I was gonna assume I was immortal. No mere mortal being could endure this. No, no, I had to pull this off. I had done it, and successfully beaten my own records. But today, I just couldn’t. My head my thumping and I felt sick…

I felt myself fly down.

“And that’s why you can’t train full-fledged.” Dimitri had caught me midair, and placed me down on the blue mats. I held on the lower bar waiting to gain my stability. Damn, I hated it when he was right. I was yet to recover fully, and before I did, he wouldn’t let me train like an elite.

“How many more days?” I asked, and he shrugged,

“Two, maximum four.” Well, that was a relief. I’d be able to train like I was meant to in a few days. I nodded and went to check on oxygen levels as Dimitri helped Lauren on the uneven bar release. She was having troubles on it, majorly because she spent most of her time mastering her balancing beam event.

My numbers were below the range and I groaned while injecting myself with some more medicines. I didn’t seem to be in range the entire day, and that resulted in a very grumpy me. And I didn’t like it when I snapped at people only because my brain didn’t receive enough oxygen.

“Hey love, guess what?” I went into my house and saw Sohail grinning at me like an idiot.

“You just got laid?” I asked and he frowned, not liking the attitude. Again, it was the not-so-pleasant me, all thanks to pulmonary fibrosis. I bit my lip and mouthed a sorry, and he nodded.

“I got a parcel.” He waved the brown envelope in front of me and I jumped at him. He just held it higher, so high I couldn’t reach it. “Get cleaned first.” He pointed at me up and down and I sighed. He was Sohail, he could not stand uncleanliness. And at the moment, I was covered with chalk and sweat. I ran up the stairs, taking a quick shower and wearing my black skirt and cropped shirt. Wearing cute ankle boots to match the young, wild and free look I had, I skipped the stairs to go grab my magazine cover.

Yes, this was it. My very own teen vogue magazine cover. The photo shoot had gone around for eight hours, completely exhausting me. That was only three days ago, and now the magazine was out on the stands. Our theme was very simple, one of the most famous proverbs used by humans- ‘all that glitters is not gold.’

Undoubtedly, there was a lot of glamorous, sparkle, metallic and bold colors in my outfits. It was fierce, something that I had nothing done. Here there were no leotards, no gowns or cute girly outfits. This was a side of me the world hadn’t seen.

In the interview, I spoke about the most intimate things. My relationship with my brothers, my boyfriend, my family. I hinted at how I wouldn’t ever like to know who my father was. I went out public to tell them how some words said by the media hurt me more than people imagine to. I admitted that I was a good actor, I always had a mask on while I saw paparazzi stalking my family.

I let the brown envelope fall on the floor and saw the photo. This one was something I hadn’t expected to be on the cover, but apparently it was. It was a pic with black sequined leggings and a grey and black striped sweater. It was me with my perfect updo, wearing a black heel and carrying another. It was just intense in so many ways. Intense and not me.

My calves were thinner, my thighs stick like. My curves were gone, and I was just too skinny. My skin looked paler, my cheekbones were more defined. I looked like a grown up, someone who wasn’t me. It was everything but me.

Salman is my guardian angel. That’s what the title read, and I remembered to request them not to hype about my family. That was what they were selling this magazine with- tagging me with my family, and not for who I was. It was all fake, far from reality.

“You look perfect.” Sohail kissed my cheeks and left to attend a business call. I got up from the black leather couch and walked up slowly, towards my room with the magazine clutched in my hands. I sat on the white leather seat, hugging a pillow, and flipping through the pages.

“They ruin it” I whispered, wondering when I said that. They had completely changed the format, making me sound like I hated the paparazzi. Their presentation, the use of words, the incomplete phrases got the interview off track. It was more like a rant about how I hated the paparazzi, the terrorists, how I loved my brothers.

A paragraph said I hated it when people interfered with private family days. But they omitted the part where I said I understood the fans and their behavior, and I was grateful my brothers had earned suck respect and love from the world. Nope, nothing of that sort was mentioned. All the fans were gonna hate me even more.

I went on twitter to check the initial reactions of the people and I knew what to expect.

MarrymeSK: OMFG she hates Salman fans?! Well, we hate you, bitch.

CatLover: Even snooki looks better than @BeingAlisha

Celebaddict: She’s so fucking fake! Ungrateful whore! Ewwww…my shit looks better than her face #TeenVogueLizzie

AKgirl: she’s so fat, no wonder she fell during practice. Gross…she should go die.

Thousands of tweets, filled with hate. Hate, everywhere. On my facebook, twitter, website, even in the fan mail. The world hated me on an all new level, and maybe they were right. I did look disgusting.

I went into the washroom and looked at myself in the full length mirror. My arms were toned, muscular, unlike the slender ones in the photos. I had bruises all over, and my legs weren’t so thin. I had curves, and I definitely had a larger waist than the ones in the snaps. My lips weren’t pouty, my nose wasn’t so sharp. And Sohail just said the girl on the cover was perfect- not me. Nobody liked the me I saw in the mirror.

That’s when it happened. I went out and asked Leo to drive me to the shoot where Bebo was working on for Being Human. She had once told me about something I would have liked, and I was gonna get it. I went into her vanity van, to find it deserted. Opening her bag, I rummaged through it. No, I shouldn’t have, it wasn’t me. It was some power that was controlling my body, asking me to do it.

I found it. In the hidden pocket, I found the pills. These pills, they had made her thinner. For a movie, she needed a skinny figure and they had helped her.

Now they were gonna help me.


Alright, first, it is not long and may have typos, forgive me, I was just trying to put something up asap before exams start again (kill me)

Please let me know what you think!  

Intertwined - Tangled series (Overprotective famous brothers)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu