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Alright, so saying I was being bombarded with questions was a subtle way to put it. People were crowded outside our house, news channels and paparazzi had planted camps. The video had gone viral on YouTube, many more celebrities backing our movement. They demanded the hate to be reduced, to have laws in place to protect their loved ones.

Basically, it was chaotic.

“Malaika, where are my printed gym shorts?” I barged into her and Arbaaz’s room. They came to stay with us for a few days till it settled down, so we could have this as a family. She opened her right eye, which was smudged with blue eye liner. Pointing at her closet, she pulled the blanket over her naked shoulders. Ugh, why did I have to notice her being naked?

Going over to get my shorts, I quickly wore them and skipped stairs to see Dimitri waiting downstairs, tapping his foot. Lauren was already outside, running around the perimeter.

“You’re late by seven minutes.” He snapped at me, and I looked down, mouthing him a sorry.

“Ten rounds, seven minutes. Go.” Wasting no time, I started sprints as fast as I could. I was low on oxygen, and my muscles screamed at me to stop and go back to bed. But I kept running, because I knew I couldn’t give up right now. I had just started, my dream was still far away. The Olympics.

Ever since I could remember, I wanted to perform in the Olympic stadium, represent my country for the sport, my passion. It was dream I envisioned, and with time it only got stronger. No matter what price I had to pay, I was going to the Olympics. After the attacks, the doctors said I would be lucky if I was able to jog. Now, I was running as fast as I could. I ran everyday towards the vault. The doctors said my back would never completely heal. Now, I carried out skills that only a handful people in the world could. And I did it with my disease pulmonary fibrosis. The doctors said I would never be able to cure it. They were right about that one, though. PF cannot be cured but only managed, and that was what I did. I lived with my weakness, and in determination to not let it get the best of me, I got stronger.

“Girls, ropes.” Dimitri pointed at them just as we got off the high bars. He was emphasizing today on conditioning, and since we couldn’t step out due to the crowds, he made us work out inside the gym.

“My hands hurt like a bitch.” Lauren scowled, and we both must have cursed Dimitri then. He was sitting in a corner eating pasta, while we were sweating and bleeding. Climbing up the ropes, we did just what he said and trying to think of the times when this all would be worth it.

“Lauren, Alisha, wait a second.” He had a last bite of the banana and kept the skin away. We both leaned against the glass doors as he wore his ‘coach’ jacket and packed up for the day himself.

“I heard there’s this cool place you guys like…candies.” He smirked and Lauren’s eyes went wide. There was no way he knew about the place. I mean, it was the place where only teens and young adults hung out, for a guy his age it shouldn’t even exist.

“Let’s have a team lunch.” He walked out the door and I rolled my eyes, knowing there was no way I was getting out of this. Team lunches were official business back at the sky, and so were team dinners. We all got together and celebrated a night out of the gym, reminding ourselves there was a world outside the gym. Though we were out of the Sky, Dimitri continued the tradition whenever he sensed stress.

He gave me and Lauren the time to get ready, and sat down himself having a conversation with Mike. It was almost like Dimitri and my bodyguards were friends now, having known each other for so long. Roo in the meanwhile casually walked into my closet and grabbed a dress she liked, slipping it on while I got fresh first. My room was more like her room now, so we never bothered even being formal or mature. I picked a dull blue dress with some red knitting, and a pair of wedges. Feeling too tired to accessorize or put any makeup on, I grabbed my bag and hopped down the stairs with Lauren.

Intertwined - Tangled series (Overprotective famous brothers)Where stories live. Discover now