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  • Dedicated to To all sexual abuse/ rape victims...stay strong, you'll get justice


I woke up with a phone call in the middle of the night, and grumbled under my breath.

“Umm, what?” I didn’t even check who the caller was, because it was late at night and I had just fallen asleep. I couldn’t help but think of Adrian, about what I could do to make it right again. I didn’t want to lose him, especially not over something as trivial as a few missed calls.

“I heard Mason was arrested. I’m sneaking in to call you, ‘cause I figured asking Roo would be a bad idea. Is it true?” it was Ashley, the eldest of the first daughters of the United States. But before that, this 5’6 tall girl was one of my closest childhood friends who I still kept in touch with.

“I don’t know, but I sure hope they have.” We had spent hours collecting statements from all the girls, making a case and approaching the USAG and the cops yet again. This time, I believed they had to take some action. Seven girls wouldn’t lie about being sexually harassed by one man and the authorities knew that.

“Yeah, I…he disgusts me.” She spat, but then the line went dead. I was suspecting someone from the White House had come close to catching her using the phone late at night, which she wasn’t allowed to. Not bothering to call back, I went downstairs and picked up my laptop. If anything, the social networking websites had to know.

She was right. For the first half an hour, there were just reports of Mason being arrested from his house. Later, pictures and details started following. The exact time, place, and accusations against him were revealed for the public by the police. Lauren’s name was kept under the wraps along with the others’, but it wasn’t tough to guess that she was involved in it. Some even dragged me in, and though I was an eye witness, Mason hadn’t ever abused me sexually.

I figured I should call Lauren, but then gave up on the thought. She needed to sleep, and if she didn’t know she could use some more hours before trips to the police station and the court. I wondered about her, how she had been so strong just days after what he did. Sure she was still scared of Mason, but now she didn’t have to be. He was going to be in prison soon, accountable for all the innocence he had destroyed.

I fell asleep reading the details, and listening to Adele with my headphones on. I dreamed about the possibilities, about so many things that could have and couldn’t have happened.

“Go away.” I grimaced, flicking my wrist. Someone was shaking me, and I didn’t want to open my eyes, not right now. It was way too early.

“Come on, you have a flight waiting for you.” I heard Tyson’s voice boom and I groaned, trying to pull covers over my head. But there were no covers, no pillows. Only leather. And I had once again slept on the couch.

“Why can’t we have private jets?” I yawned, rubbing my fist against the closed eye lids. Yes, that sounded brattish, but I loved the idea of private jets. I loved having time with my family and friends without people coming up for photos and autographs. And then you didn’t have to collect your baggage, you could goof around as much as you wanted and you had so many other facilities.

“Up, up. And I want you down with your luggage in 45 minutes.” He went out again, talking on his little headset. Lord alone knew what they talked about on that thing for the entire day, hopefully not football matches.

I sat there for a while more, lazing around, before going into the washroom and taking a nice long shower. Coming out, I settled for a comfortable outfit consisting of black skinnies and a black top and a Burberry scarf for the edge it added. Smiling at my eye liner eyes, I pulled my bags out of the walk in closet. I personally loved my new baggage, their exterior was like graffiti painting. Honestly, Louis Vuitton bags were durable but not attractive and fun enough as some other alternatives.

Intertwined - Tangled series (Overprotective famous brothers)Where stories live. Discover now