Mails and mess

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Hello, all the beautiful people who are reading this.

Yes, I’ve been lazy to blog since a week or two, sorry about that. Well, where do I start off from? These few weeks taught me so much, about myself, about people. I learned to stay strong, if not for myself then for others along with me. I learned to also let go sometimes, to let someone take care of you sometimes. I learned to take care of people around me too, the ones who sometimes need more love than you do. I learned to see from other’s perspective, to understand. I learned that you are never alone when you fight for justice, that there is always a way.

And now I sound like some philosophical fifty year old. Yeah, I have my moments.

It feels so good to be training at 6 am on the beach, and this five year old points at you and says, “I want to be just like her.” Yes, that happened today morning. I spoke to her and her dad, who told me how his daughter joined gymnastics in the hopes to be just like me one day. She has my posters in her room, and can’t get enough of her gym. Her favorite is floor, because she gets to run around.

Reminds me of the innocent fun we used to have in Sky, before Mason flipped our world upside down. I can hardly find the guts to type about it; I’m not as strong as Lauren is. But then Dimitri came into our lives again, he caught us from hitting the rock bottom. He saved us. Now, once again, the gymnastics is first and foremost innocent fun for me.

Getting back to my life, I have a question. Why the hell do we even need to study matrices? In no way am I gonna apply it in my life ever, like ever. It’s just like how I’ve bought those new pair of heels thinking I’d use them but I know I never would. Speaking of, I want to go shopping now. It’s sales everywhere, and I live for sales. I’ve been saving a lot, partly because I didn’t have the time to go shop. But now that I do, I think I might just splurge. Oh yeah people, brace yourselves.

What else happened? Oh yeah, I invented a joke. Arbaaz didn’t find it funny, like he didn’t even chuckle or twitch his lips. Here it goes: how did the elephant come out of the well? Tell me, yeah, answer. No? Let me tell you. He came out wet.

Admit it people, you did smile, if not chuckle. It’s not so bad like Arbaaz pretended it to be. He just gave me the look and then went back to talking about the casting of the movie. Like come on, be a little fun! Gosh, he needs a life. He’s in Spain, one of the most beautiful countries in the world, and he’s talking about movie casting. *rolls eyes*

Ok, I need to stop jabbering. I’m gonna go now, partly because I’m bored of typing so much. Gosh I’m getting lazy. Anyways, take care, loads of love!


Posting the blog, I waited for a few moment before the comments starting to come in. My website was the ultimate thing me and my fans connected on, along with my twitter page. Most of them had amazing comments that made me smile, they gave me something to cherish about. There were some hurtful people, but they got blocked by our PR team. I didn’t care today though, I was in a positive mood and planned to remain that way.

“Alisha, you might want to open all these mails.” Cassie, Salman’s manager, came in carrying a handful of fan mails for me. It had taken time for me to get accustomed to them, but now they were regulars for me.

Cassie was the boss around. The entire staff was scared of her, including the bodyguards. When she wanted things done, she wanted them done. There were no ifs and buts in the life, nobody gave her excuses. Not even Salman bothered to challenge her, because she was one of the best you could get. She had only one flaw, if you could call it a flaw- she was an extremely left brained person. Sometimes it felt like human emotions didn’t wander near her.

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