Up and about

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I woke up the next day, or whatever day that it was, to find Joe and Mama J next to my bed, huddled on the couch. They had a blanket wrapped over them, and Joe was asleep on Mama J’s lap. She was patting his head, silent tears dripping down her cheeks. 

“No tears.” I croaked, looking at her straight in the eye. Joe’s eyes snapped open and he sat right back up, toppling the coffee mug that was balancing on the arm. I couldn’t help but giggle at the mess up he caused. My Joey had earned his nickname of ‘danger’ with quite some hard work.

“Oh my baby, my sweetie.” Both of them hurried by my side, hugging me. Careful to not touch my burnt skin, they stayed on my left side, holding my hand. Helping me to sit up, Mama J fought her tears and smiled at me. 

“I’m so glad you’re okay.”

I looked around the room. There were flowers and cards, and not just roses. I had been tweeting about my detest for the cliche flowers, and therefore all the well wishers had sent me exotic and beautiful flowers. There were bouquets with endemic flowers, and single flowers off people’s lawns. Everyone, from fans and friends had sent their wishes. I could see Beyonce’s bouquet right next to my bed, and Joe bent down to hand me the note stuck inside.

‘Little rockstar, I miss your rants. Get well soon’ - Bey and Jay

There were others, from P!nk, Usher, Will Smith, Jennifer Lopez, Eminem and Hailie, the list would go on and on. The first lady herself had been gracious enough to send me cupcakes. And then there were fanmails, which usually touched my heart. There were people telling me they wouldn’t be able to step on the gymnastics mats without me being okay, that they won’t be able to tweet without having me wish them every morning. All of this warmed me up from the inside. I felt a weird coldness until now, now that I saw all the love and care. I couldn’t fight the feeling of happiness in a hospital bed. 

Nick entered with some bags and medicines just that moment, and smiled to see me. Closing his eyes in relief, he rushed to my side as well, giving me one of those warm hugs. I knew he was low, his diabetes did not help him to deal with hard times. I could see it in the way his hands shook, his eyes were hollow, trying hard to conceal his own fights. 

The doctors came in just seconds after, and went through other details. I was out of danger, but they were only monitoring progress and keeping track of my oxygen levels as well. While the doctor stared the the screens and analysed the data they basically got off wiring me up, Sohail too entered the room. My hospital room was officially the most happening place in town right now. 

“Lizzie everyone is back home, they needed some sleep and shower, but I can call them right away.” he said the first thing he saw me.

“Jesus, spare me the horror of having them here.” he smiled, nodding. The doctor told us that I was going to be fine except for one small little problem regarding my tissue, which wasn’t a big deal and a minor twenty minute surgery would fix it. Getting my brother’s consent, they set me for surgery the next morning. It was almost like surgeries were just another part of my life now. 

We spent the next hour talking and playing around. First things first, we made sure there were enough hugs and teasing Joe about his out of control hair, to which he stood up well I must admit. The next thing, I went on twitter.

BeingAlisha: A weird mix of love and goofiness when I wake up. Feeling #blessed

BeingAlisha: Wow you people, all these wishes! I love you guys. And yes, I am fine. The doctor just loves my company so I’m gonna chill here a couple days more.

BeingAlisha: Special mention to @JoeJonas @NickJonas and Mama J. and @KevinJonas is asleep because he stayed up before but thank you :)

BeingAlisha: It’s like I missed twitter even when I was unconscious. #Addictions 

“Nicky, you need to get some rest.” I said, looking at him chugging down juice. I knew that he always drank juice to keep him going when he was low, but he needed to get his levels up naturally by giving his body some peace and time. Stress would do no good, and hospitals gave just that. 

He simply shook his head in a no, sitting down on the couch and closing his eyes. I looked down, not knowing what to do or say. That’s when Joe came to rescue.

“Your boyfriend has been spamming me to talk to you. Here.” He got opened FaceTime and logged in, calling Adrian. He motioned for me to keep silent while he first spoke. 

“Joe man, how is she?” he was asleep before the call, I knew from the voice. I knew from how he was talking, without pausing, that he had been sleeping but he had kept his phone on the loudest and picked up as soon as he heard the phone ring. I knew my Adrian was worried to the core.

Joe just looked at him through the screen and I could almost feel Adrian’s panic as his voice began to shake as he asked more questions. He demanded for answers, he wanted to know what was wrong and why Joe wouldn’t reply back. He wanted to know why Nick looked pale as a ghost, and why the sudden call.

“Baby, I’m fine.” I cracked in the end and Joe whined, because he wanted to torture my boyfriend for longer. He tossed the phone towards me and I smiled into the camera.

There he was, shirtless, ruffled blonde hair and the most enchanting pair of green eyes staring right into mine. He was in tears, and he wiped them away with his arm upon seeing me. He smiled and then furrowed his brows,

“If I wasn’t so relieved right now, I would have thrown a tantrum.” I laughed, and it hurt my neck. It didn’t matter really, because I felt more warmth seeing my boyfriend looking at me like he was falling in love all over again. He spoke and and spoke, he spoke about how he had almost sold all his medals and trophies to buy a ticket to Mumbai, and how he refused to get off the phone until he knew I was okay and not in danger. He spoke about his dad going to Church for me, for lighting candles and sitting there for hours. He spoke about Rosalie breaking and him having to handle two of the most important women in his life being in pain. 

He spoke and then he stared, he stared and I spoke. I spoke about how I felt just fine, that medical science was basically the reason I wasn’t dead at five. I told him about what had happened and who did it, and that I was going to be fine. I shared with him a worry that I couldn’t admit to myself yet,

“I look horrible. Gross.” I shut my eyes, knowing I couldn’t look him in the eye anymore.

“You are the most beautiful girl in this whole wide world. Nothing will ever change that.” he said two sentences, and cliched ones at that. I knew, I always knew he was right. That beauty standards of the world won’t ever define me, but I couldn’t help but fall pray to the low self-esteem. 

“Adrian, I just need some time alone. Can I talk to you later?” I asked and he nodded, sending a kiss and going off. Taking cue, everyone left the room. Before leaving, Nicky left me his headphones and I smiled, because he knew I needed only one company - my music. 


I mean, I love them. Love. 

Happy New Year! 2015, wow! I hope this year brings you happiness and joy, and all your dreams come true!

Also, thank you for all your upport through 2013-14. I hope I continue to be this blessed with your love in 2015 as well

Let me know what you felt and also, how was your new year? Any resolutions? 

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