Team USA

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I woke up, or had I fallen asleep in the first place? I didn’t know, it was all too confusing. I had no clue what time it was, or even where I was. It was a hospital, yes, but which hospital?

Suddenly, a wave of pain surged through my head and I grabbed the sheets with my hands.

“It’ll go away soon, you just had the medicines.” I heard my brother’s voice whisper to me and I nodded. He was sitting next to me, playing music on soft so I had some distractions. It was Beyoncé singing now, and he looked up at his phone.

“She just texted me, saying ‘tell Lizzie to stay strong.’” I smiled thinking about her. She always pressed on me signing a recording deal, and helped me out when I was stuck with music. She tried to teach me stuff all the time, even if it was through Skype at 4 am when she had just had a 12 hour shoot and I had tons of homework to do. I loved her for who she was, because she was one of the most famous people on earth and still down to earth. And most importantly, she never judged me.

I wiggled for my phone and he gave it to me. I was trying not to talk, because it hurt to move my jaw still. So, I typed out what I wanted.

Tell her I say thanks. And that I want the shoes she wore at the AMAs, even for a day will do.

Salman laughed – and laughed his carefree laugh - at my request but did what I asked. She replied back saying she’d come to meet me with the shoes, and a bag she thought I’d love too. I smirked thinking about the day when I’d meet her, which would be after months now.

What’s the time?

He looked at his phone again and replied back, “its 9 am.”

I blinked twice and tried to get up. Strong arms held me as I fell from a wave of dizziness.

“Don’t move!” he almost yelled at me, tucking me into the covers again. I wanted to tell him how it was important for me to get out of here, how it mattered so much more than he assumed. I couldn’t stay here a minute longer.

I need to go support my team! Please, I need to.

I typed out, still feeling the world revolve around me. I saw Salman run his hand through his hair and trying to figure out how to keep me calm. I tried to wiggle free of his grip, but he was far stronger than I was. He could hold me down with one arm, without hurting me.

“Baby girl please, you can’t move this much.” He tried to calm me down, but I slapped his hand away from my cheek.

“This is a hospital, you know?” the doctor came in and I stopped right away. Salman loosened his grip on me, but stayed near me so I didn’t run away and get a cab to go to the stadium.

“I was about to discharge you, but given your tantrums…” she looked at me skeptically and I pulled on an innocent face,

“I’ll behave, I’ll rest and take the medicines.” It was my last hope. If she gave me discharge, I could try and persuade Salman to take me to my team, even if it was for a few minutes. I just needed to be there with them, I needed to see them compete.

“You better.” She nodded and within minutes, I had a set of clothes and my hair was done. Sean made sure I got my team USA jacket and I smiled at him. He rarely spoke; he was the tough guy around. But on the inside, he cared about me almost as much as Mike and Tyson. Speaking of Tyson, he was full of guilt that he let the guy near me. I tried to tell him that I knew he tried his best to keep danger at bay, but apparently texts didn’t reach his heart. I could feel numbness seep into my face, maybe I could talk soon. I needed to tell him that it wasn’t his fault, that I was grateful he tried everything to keep me safe.

Intertwined - Tangled series (Overprotective famous brothers)Where stories live. Discover now